Hello everyone.

I was trying to do the first build from haiku source code:
1.Perform an initial build of Haiku from your source directory to ensure everything compiles correctly.
2.Address any compilation errors or warnings that arise.

β€” I followed the these steps β€”
Prepare the Environment:
git clone
cd haiku

Configure the Build:

Start the Build Process:
jam -q @nightly-anyboot

While doing this, I am facing the build failure error. Can anyone tell me how to fix this?

Thank you for your response.

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Maybe check here? How to compile Haiku on Haiku? - #9 by vanitarium

It’s probably been mentioned there.

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This command does not work on 64 bit Haiku.

You need to build a cross compiler.

Follow the instructions here: Compiling for x86_64 | Haiku Project


Thank you so much

If you don’t need the BIOS bootloader (you use UEFI or have a BIOS bootloader from the official release installed already), you can also skip building it which means no need for a cross compiler.
I simply build jam haiku.hpkg here with a modified build target that leaves out the bootloader.
That gives a installable system package I can use to quickly test my changes.