Fan control?

Running Alpha 3 on a HP NC6220 laptop using a live USB stick. Everything works except the fan control. Somehow Haiku turns fan control off. Needless to say the laptop got really hot ! Is there something that I am missing? Turning ACPI off solves the problem. However, I cannot find any references to fan control problems.

You can search here:

I looked quickly and do not believe any fan control bugs are posted.

You should submit this bug:

That way the developer can fix this issue.

I’m sorry about that.

Haiku does not have any drivers for fan control atm. The specification states that it is the responsibility of the BIOS to always control fans unless the OS takes over, so your laptop seems to have a broken BIOS. You might want to check for updated BIOS for your laptop.

I just updated the bios to the latest version available. No joy. Turning ACPI off is still the only solution. I’ll turn debugging on to see where exactly the fan gets turned off.