Error Messages Should All Be Haikus

I heard they were at one point.

Something like this error:

The application:


has encountered an error which prevents it from continuing.
Haiki will terminate the application and clean up.

Should instead say:

The application
has encountered an error
and will terminate.


Why aren’t they in haikus?
I mean, this is Haiku.

Your example there isn’t a haiku either…

Application dies
not quite gone
Alive again debugged!

The end has come
Variables got jumbled
Like tear drops in the rain…

etc… thought mine probably still aren’t perfect perhaps you get this gist?

What do you mean?
I put this through syllable counters, and it says it’s right.

'The 'app’li’ca’tion (5)
'has 'en’coun’tered 'an 'err’or (7)
'and 'will 'ter’mi’nate. (5)

Is there another rule to haikus I missed?

I assume the original BeOS haikus are under copyright and thus can not be used?

Then they should write new ones.
5-7-5’s aren’t very difficult to put together, and it gives the OS character.

I just dislike having the name “Haiku” and having it mean literally nothing.
At least things like “Windows” actually mean something.
But if the OS does not have anything to do with Haikus, then what’s the purpose of its name?

Yes, you have the syllsble count right, but are missing the poem.

Dead application
from error encountering
HAIKU continues

This includes two images, the death of the application, and the life of the operating system. It is, however missing the seasonal nature element that would make it a better poem.

Haikus were traditionally short Japanese poems juxtaposing two mental images, one of which would be seasonal. Counting out English syllables misses almost all the purpose of the Haiku form, but people do enjoy writing short poems in this way and there’s no reason to stop them doing so.

In BeOS Haikus were to be found specifically as an optional alternative to the conventional error messages in the web browser NetPositive. Since NetPositive was never really a particularly good browser, the messages were by far the most notable thing about it, so their opacity was never a serious problem, and anyway as I said they were optional.

The rest of BeOS didn’t use Haiku (or any other poetic form) in error messages. Such messages would be confusing and unhelpful anyway, I imagine almost everyone would switch them off after the first couple of times.