Error initialising SQL: QuteBrowser

1st time user on this forum, kinda new to BeOS/haiku

i need support in making qute browser functional after error message, after 1st time use of it, worked perfect, after shutdown and start up later on, came up with error message.

error message:

Error Initialising SQL: Failed to exec query “pragma user_version”: “database disk image is malformed Unable to fetch row”

only thing i can see that made it malfunction was the way i shutdown the laptop quickly. i didn’t shutdown with menu, just held power button on laptop to shutdown.

its not caused problems before doing it that way with haiku or other apps so far.

may i please get some assistance in restoring qute browser to its great functionality again?

stuff ive already tried:

I uninstalled it, reinstalled, still error.

even uninstalled GNOME browser as i installed that at the same period i installed qute. to test if that was the problem, but that didnt change the error message either.

No idea there, only thing I could find was here:

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That fixed it!!! YES!!!

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This way of shutting down bypasses the OS and gives apps no chance to respond or save their data. If they are in the middle of writing stuff this will lead to data loss or corruption.

Since haikus shutdown is very quick usually I’d recomend trying to press the power button once (not holding it) and let the OS do it’s tasks before shutdown.