eMMC Driver?


in the source i find a lot of PCI IDs for eMMC Disks.

But there is not realy a lot of code for eMMC there or? It is not completely in the repository, is that true? If so, how can i get it?


There is no eMMCdriver currently. There is a broken/unfinished driver for sdhci controllers (sdhci_pci), and then a driver that handles sd cards only (mmc_disk). eMMC uses some different commands than SD, so the driver needs to handle those as well.

Ah, OK. So the sdhci_pci driver is for a pci device where you can plug in an sd-card, right? Connected SD-Cards over USB Controller are already working? Emmc should be outsourced if the commands are not the same or?

USB readers are just USB mass storage devices, like USB sticks for example.

eMMC should be added to the mmc_disk driver, the commands are slightly different but the driver already handles SD and SDHC, adding a third protocol wouldn’t be too hard.