Embedded BeOS

Hey folks, I wonder if someone has ported BeOS into embedded system? if anybody knows or has plenty information, please PM me.

Quick answer: No

Long answer: Still no, but it depends what you define as ‘embedded’

I hope to see an embedded version of Haiku one day running on my Palm PDA :slight_smile:

Instead of seeing Linux ported to Gameboys, PDAs, PMAs and so on, we could se ucHaiku :stuck_out_tongue:

Considering how modular Haiku (and BeOS) is, I personally don’t see any reason why we won’t eventually see it happen. There would probably need to be some small modifications here and there to handle the difference in environments, but I doubt it’d be all that difficult with the possible exception of drivers.

Edirol uses BeOS in their product.
So does (did?) Iz corp, on the Radar24

I thought that the main reason why Palm bought BeOS was to use the OS on the Palm Pilots. It may have been modified some of course. Although I do know that Palm no longer uses that.

Yeah. I really wished that Palm had used some of that BeOS goodness on their palms. That would’ve really made me happy. (:

But yeah. Haiku looks like it’s got it’s hands full with x86 alone. I couldn’t imagine them dealing with all of the different embedded hardware out there just yet. Right?

I’d love to see Haiku eventually make it into embedded applications.

Linux is the flavour of the year in embedded technology - the field in which I work (set-top box) is switching to Linux - and not without some pain, either. Linux was never intended to be a real-time operating system (OK, so many improvements to help make it so in kernel 2.6), but still it is difficult to acheive real-time video/audio decode where system responsiveness is the key (efficient pre-emptive task switching with low latency). Certainly Linux is becoming bloated and unweildy - embedded developers like things to be very small and efficient (usually due to flash cost limitations and limited processing power), and Linux and WinCE just don’t feel right in that role.

On the downside, Haiku is coded in C++ and C is often favoured in embedded applications (no big vtables!).

On the upside, the MIT licence - big commercial incentives to use Haiku and not worry about being tripped up by the GPL; especially in embedded systems like set-top box, where conditional access and content protection are carefully guarded secrets (not to mention driver implementations that can give an advantage against competitors).

Haiku is a breath of fresh air in this day of "just throw processing power at it".

I’m sure interesting times lay ahead. :slight_smile: