I see i should change some folders, some examples uses writeable files for highscore and does not run. I will change all folders who make sense for a update function.
Ok, i export the files into the settings folder, so you can test if it is running better.
OK, I re-installed I wasnāt sure I got the newest .hpkg as you didnāt change the package revision at all. Yes, the examples now load and run. No, the file close issue isnāt fixed.
This is not correct, i change the build number. The version number makes no sense if one does not change anything on the app.
it seems I missed the build number as haikudepot showed me egsl_ide-1.2.4-1-x86_gcc2.hpkg , but downloaded egsl_ide-1.2.4-2-x86_gcc2.hpkg. hmmm
Have you update the repository servers in HaikuDepot?
egsl_ide-1.2.4-2-x86_gcc2.hpkg is the current build
Now, i test all examples and add into all not closeable examples a close function.
There has never been a problem with closing the example programs, the trouble is with the file-close function of the IDE to unload a loaded file.
Special thanks to lorglas who have made EGSL on haiku available again
Hi, Iāam interest by the EGSL language but the IDE make some troubles here when I close a file after loading it.
bbjimmy have the same trouble I see.
I have 1.2.5-1 IDE
Also I have try to build a game but that make an *.exe file. That build for Windows?
Love2D seem a good alternative but there are no a IDE EGSL seem interesting too for create games.
Ok i need to look into my source
I use the suffix exe, because it stands for executeable files. In haiku you does not need a suffix, but i want to use some.
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Lorglas is planing a ide
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