Echelog is done

After an advanced warning of imminent closure, the Echelog IRC logger is “done” logging for now. It did a great job, and we’ve witnessed the end of an era. Any suggestions on how to replace its function?

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Every day I read the logs before I entered the IRC chat.
Now what to do?
It was an important way to get information while sleeping!
Now we have to be online all the time and have to follow the early morning chats live!

Why did not step in and paid for this important service?

So what to do now? I cannot follow the discussion anymore because I have slept that time! Whats going on? Any news?

I’ve found this bot here are the channels being logged

for haiku today 21/06/2020
[ EDIT ]
it has been enabled by waddlesplash yesterday

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Nice replacement!

Time to say thanks to Brian Matzon, for providing echelog for all these years! :clap::clap::clap:


Wow great news, I can sleep again! Thank you ver much Waddlesplash!
Nice replacement you found!

yes, thanks to Brian Matzon, for providing echelog for all these years!

Actually he found it before me :smiley: I found it today :smiley: