Double login needed

For some reason, I always have to login TWICE to the forums.
The first time doesn’t work, the second time does.
I even checked “Always log me in automatically” or whatever it’s called, but it doesn’t work.

I’m using Firefox 1.0 (for windows, here, eheh), just updgraded because I thought 0.9.3 was the culprit.

Its a phpBB problem on a few browsers - Opera for BeOS has it too.

FF 1.0 on BeOS doesn’t, however…

using firefox 1.0 under windows here too and no problem like that … the cookie do the work :slight_smile:

hm weird, i’m on the same setup… never had that prob

it might be the forum skin… try going to the actual login page instead of using the quick-login form

kurtis wrote:
hm weird, i'm on the same setup.. never had that prob

it might be the forum skin… try going to the actual login page instead of using the quick-login form

Hm, could be the fact that my nickname contains a space ?

Jack Burton wrote:
Hm, could be the fact that my nickname contains a space ?

I’m not really sure… phpBB passes stuff like that off to the PHP session management tools, like setcookie and session_create/destroy/register. If there’s a bug somewhere in those, then I guess it could be.

Maybe do you have your cache on or something like that?

I think it also sometimes depends where you login from … ie from the “Login Page” or from the “Login” section at the bottom of the page.

I tend to use the full Login page as I’ve had issues with the others in the past.

Sikosis wrote:
I think it also sometimes depends where you login from ... ie from the "Login Page" or from the "Login" section at the bottom of the page.

I tend to use the full Login page as I’ve had issues with the others in the past.

Well, that’s so weird. I always logged in from the full login page, as I had never noticed the login section at the bottom :slight_smile:

Now I tried it, and I was able to login at the first try. Weird.

like my friend says, the biggest problem you can have with a computer is localised between your screen and your chair :slight_smile: hi hi

That’s what we in Denmark calls a “Fejl 40” (meaning Error 40 - the error is placed 40 cm from the monitor :P)

kinda like the old tech support term that we used to use at the school district…


fault exists between keyboard and chair


kurtis wrote:
kinda like the old tech support term that we used to use at the school district...


fault exists between keyboard and chair


always heard it as



ID ten-T errors are common too (usually spelled out as ID10T)

kurtis wrote:
kinda like the old tech support term that we used to use at the school district...


fault exists between keyboard and chair


I used to work tech support and ours was (I think it’s common) RTFM. Read The F****n Manual :stuck_out_tongue:

We called it a “Back in Box Issue” in the university, e.g. the user was to put their machine back in the shipping box and send it back to us, permanently. After that infamous and probably fake Compaq support tape…

MYOB wrote:
We called it a "Back in Box Issue" in the university, e.g. the user was to put their machine back in the shipping box and send it back to us, permanently. After that infamous and probably fake Compaq support tape...

LOL, yes, I remember that “incident”

MYOB wrote:
After that infamous and probably fake Compaq support tape...

i think anyone who’s ever worked with computers has heard that one, lol