[DoF] Moe: A Mascot Observation Environment

This is getting out of control! LOL :rofl:


I know the subject has already been raised by the past without effect but this would look great, if we had a real Haiku mascot.

How about Leafy McFeather?

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@Starcrasher The old BeOS man said that any mascot that starts with “Moe” is a Haiku mascot!! :wink:

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Why everyone keeps forgeting about Walter the Anglerfish?


Indeed! Even bugs from nightlies are better known. For those who don’t know him see here. I guess that he’s not present enough.
Anyway, he doesn’t seem very friendly and so doesn’t match moe’s definition

The term moe gradually evolve and today indicate all those anime or characters capable of inspire a protective feeling in male viewers.

Not much into anime or action figues, but this is quite neat.


@Starcrasher We could use an animated GIF of Walter, it would be beautiful! :smiley:

Walter is for Walter (nightly) releases only!
Moe is most BeOs like!

Ah, Miss Minutes from “Loki”. Such an evil (but seemingly innocent) character!

Does she speak?
Does she answer questions?
Can she find information on the Internet or on the computer?
Can she perform any useful tasks?

We were talking about it today, that a plugin to interact with characters managed by Moe could be interesting.

The important thing is not to recreate Clippy :smile:

I remember that Moe is a program written for BeOS over twenty years ago.


Does she need to? it is just a toy.

It would be great and useful to have something like Moe as an open source AI avatar. And of course, it would be a toy as well.

Yes, today it’s a toy :slightly_smiling_face:, but imagine tomorrow it could be a perfect personal assistant integrated into the operating system.

A set of plugins to activate based on what we need. :nerd_face:


Such an assistant could easily (via messages) communicate with any part of the system at your command. Which is not so easy to implement on Linux, BSD, MacOS or Windows systems (as I understand).

In Haiku, we already have the “Hey” command that helps us manage the GUI. It could be an existing implementation. What could be interesting is figuring out how to handle the header with Moe, whether graphically, vocally, or through the keyboard.

it should work either way.

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This is the only Moe I can admit!