Does haiku have the compatibility of Linux?

does haiku have the compatibility of Linux?

there is the wine to run windows’s application. (i know it is not so useful)

so, is there the similar thing to run Linux’s application directly?

No Linux compatibility layer in Haiku.

Most of time to run a linux app, you only need to get the source code and build it on your system, with few adaptations to the code. A compatibility layer is only necessary when apps access the hardware directly. Anyway you have to rebuild apps and you can’t use the binary of a random distro.

It would be useful to have an equivalent for FreeBSD’s LinuxKPI and Linuxulator. The latter is used to access DRM protected contents, AFAIK.


I don’t see a need for binary compatibility with Linux. Linux doesn’t even maintain binary compatibility with itself. What would you even want to run that isn’t open-source? All the big applications like Steam are already on Windows and could be handled with Wine.


That is wrong. Linux takes a great deal of care to maintain binary compatibility.
Userspace projects sometimes ruin this but the kernel is quite good at this.

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The Linux drivers that aren’t already upstreamed would disagree. But yes, the userspace is far worse than the kernel.


Which Linux apps would you like to run on Haiku? If you can make a case for a specific app, perhaps someone will be inspired to port it.


Ah, you ment the linux driver interface. That is indeed a different problem : )

it is a close-source application named wechat which is the famous chatting app in China.

there are four versions.(windows Android IOS Linux)

so, it may be a good idea to get compatibility with Linux.

If it’s closed source, we can’t port it.

But I had a look anyway. Banned in Canada, India, Russia, the US … used by the Chinese government for mass surveillance … I don’t see any of our devs going out on a limb for it.

Getting the windows version going in Wine looks like your best bet.

the windows version only run with the 9th wine .

i don’t think it can run with haiku’s wine.

some companies are releasing close-source application for Linux, which always be useful for user.
not only Chinese company,but also USA companies.

(i imagine it is easier to get the compatibility of Linux which it’s also a open source system.)

If it works in Wine on Linux, then polishing Haiku’s Wine port seems like a better solution than creating a Linux compatibility layer from scratch.

Another option would be to run Linux in a virtual machine. There is currently an effort to enable NVMM for Haiku’s QEMU port, which would let you skip emulating the CPU.


it looks like not so good.

looks like the same redraw bug I have encountered every time I have tried to run anything with Wine.

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Haiku doesn’t have built-in compatibility for Linux, and any mentions of such a thing would get generally negative comments…

However, Haiku does have the infrastructure to build such a layer. All you need is using the debugger API to hook up the syscalls and maybe a kernel driver for epoll and all these weird kind of FDs.

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