Discovered an old Haiku software cd

I was cleaning out one of my old desks down cellar, when I came across a couple of old cd’s that I burned. They contained some pretty interesting source (zip packages).

haiku-pre-alpha-r29319| 98.23 MiB |February 26, 2009

levengood-haiku-browser-39268f7| 23.96 KiB |October 8, 2009

WebKit-49283| 11.99 MiB |October 8, 2009


Nice! :sunglasses: If you can upload that iso (the Haiku pre-alpha) and it boots, I’ll review it :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi apgreimann!

I can upload the iso, but I forgot what’s your website. My apologies for that!

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Isometric Leaves is still there on Google Sites but everything I’d written on it was taken down, and the reason for this is because I’ve been wanting to rewrite the BeOS Retro Review Anthology but haven’t got around to it, I keep putting it off!

But my plan one of these days is to finish the rewrite and put them all into a book :slight_smile:

For now though, the main thing I’m preparing for is to review Beta4!

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