Disable CTRL+ALT... workspaces hotkey?

A lot of games use ctrl and alt as the two primary buttons, for example FCEU does and a lot of old games under DosBOX. But this is hazardous to play under Haiku; as pushing CTRL+ALT at the same time an arrow key is down causes the workspace to switch away. I have two workspaces and I only ever use ALT+~ to switch between them. How to disable this annoying behavior?

I guess: fix the ported game. It’s a system wide keycombo like CTRL+ALT+DEL or CTRL+TAB. I guess there’s a way to explicitly trap these combos inside an app. I’m no coder, though.


Anyone have any idea which part of the Haiku source catches that key combo so I can just disable it in my build? It’s not Tracker or Deskbar; is it built into one of the servers?

I think it’s probably in the app_server or maybe the input_server. Ask on the dev mailing list or in IRC if you can’t find it. More coders will see your question there.


I found it–most of the stuff for handling it is in app_server, but that particular shortcut is actually in the BWindow class, along with “CTRL+ALT+M” and “CTRL+ALT+Z”. After commenting it out, you have to rebuild the target “libbe.so”, and then you could pound away on your ctrl keys in uninterrupted happiness.

Pound away, then. :slight_smile: