Deskbar problem

Since 2 weeks or so I have some problems with Deskbar on Haiku.
When I try to start Deskbar, Haiku is going into debugger with:
PANIC: BFS - after two ‘exit’ commands Deskbar starts but from
there Tracker is blocked…

Try using the latest build. Often times things get broken and fixed in a matter of a day or two.

DarkWyrm wrote:
Try using the latest build. Often times things get broken and fixed in a matter of a day or two.

I have such problems since ca two weeks. I tried todays version -
the same problem :frowning: wrote:
DarkWyrm wrote:
Try using the latest build. Often times things get broken and fixed in a matter of a day or two.

I have such problems since ca two weeks. I tried todays version -
the same problem :frowning:

Are you installing Haiku to a real HDD partition? Try to boot into BeOS and re-initialize the Haiku partition using drive setup. If you’re checking the source code out of SVN and compile Haiku yourself (rather than using the precompiled disk images) try an “jam clean” (IIRC) to delete the object files and then run jam again to recompile everything.

After doing the above you’ll at least be sure, that there are no side effects from previous installs.

smacks forehead That’s most likely the problem. Using DriveSetup to wipe out the old Haiku installation is an absolute must when doing a new install of Haiku over an old one. Our BFS code is still in beta and, thus, still has bugs that are being patched as they come up, so wiping the old installation first makes sure that the filesystem is clean and uncorrupted before attempting anything.

DarkWyrm wrote:
*smacks forehead* That's most likely the problem. Using DriveSetup to wipe out the old Haiku installation is an absolute must when doing a new install of Haiku over an old one. Our BFS code is still in beta and, thus, still has bugs that are being patched as they come up, so wiping the old installation first makes sure that the filesystem is clean and uncorrupted before attempting anything.

That may actually explain some issues I was having when updating my Haiku HDD partition… I will try that out myself also :slight_smile:

DarkWyrm wrote:
Using DriveSetup to wipe out the old Haiku installation is an absolute must when doing a new install of Haiku over an old one.

I initialized Haiku partition following Yours instructions and on first Haiku boot on new installation all was correct. Problems appeared again during second session in Haiku - debbuger on Deskbar start with text:

  • cache_start_sub_transactions():invalid transaction ID; after exit command appeared second text:
  • get_writable_cached_block():invalid transaction 1; next exit and:
  • cache_abort_transaction():invalid transaction ID; next exit and go out
    from debbugger - Deskbar starts, but Haiku is unstable.

Sounds like BFS has some bugs in it which you have uncovered. I’ll pass this onto Axel. wrote:
DarkWyrm wrote:
Using DriveSetup to wipe out the old Haiku installation is an absolute must when doing a new install of Haiku over an old one.

I initialized Haiku partition following Yours instructions and on first Haiku boot on new installation all was correct. Problems appeared again during second session in Haiku - debbuger on Deskbar start with text:

  • cache_start_sub_transactions():invalid transaction ID; after exit command appeared second text:
  • get_writable_cached_block():invalid transaction 1; next exit and:
  • cache_abort_transaction():invalid transaction ID; next exit and go out
    from debbugger - Deskbar starts, but Haiku is unstable.

This should be fixed.