Deskbar minor new thing

New idea: Possibility to do a multiple selection in the “Preferences” submenu (at deskbar) using CTRL button to quickly open multiple preferences windows (eg. Keyboard settings+Screensaver settings).

No point in changing the behavior of just one submenu; that only introduces inconsistency and confusion. So a better question is: would multiple-selection in menus be a boon, or more trouble than it’s worth?

I think that overall this would a good idea to add to the whole deskbar.

Would the order of processes need to be hard coded, or would it be based on the order of their selection?

There’s an old Trac ticket for that kinda thing. Being able to choose more than one menu entry without closing the menu is very useful in a number of situations. For example, de/activating Tracker attribute columns. Or choosing a number of settings of an app, etc.
