Design team? So let's get talking about Haiku's look!

Let’s look at the beOS style…

look at the way the beos traveled from DRx to R5:
What can we see? the look start from a simple 2D style to a very more worked nice little 3D one. from nice to nicer, wright ?
Now let’s speak about the Zeta/Dano style ?
I think something is broken, it isn’t ?

At this time, my personal opinion is:
two way for this :
Keep all the R5 gui style, (haiku default )
Or at least, a totaly skined gui with built-in Original beos skin.

It’s time to ask you this question:
Do you want beos looks like this or that?

I agree 100%. The default Dano/Zeta UI is awful.

The snake menu thingy is ugly too.

2D is out.

For R1, like R5.

After that, I really like the mockups Stuart did a while ago:


Hum… I do not like that at all

I like tb100’s design, though it will consume more system performance than the R5 design. When Haiku R2 is ready to use, we may already have dual-core machines, so there should be enough performance.

I think, a well-looking and modern look for the GUI is important for Haiku’s market success. So I would like so see a well-designed GUI.

schlesi wrote:
I like tb100's design, though it will consume more system performance than the R5 design. When Haiku R2 is ready to use, we may already have dual-core machines, so there should be enough performance.

I think, a well-looking and modern look for the GUI is important for Haiku’s market success. So I would like so see a well-designed GUI.


It’s not my design though - Stuart McCoy (IIRC) did it a few years ago. There are more showing the other controls and stuff, but beandigo’s site that used to hold them isn’t there any more.

Some of them are available through
Wayback Machine

the best solution is a stable modern skin system, like a skin sever with a new vision of skin handling …

If we do not, one day someone will code an app to apply skins with some hacks ! it’s not very clean…

just out of curiosity what would be required for a “modern” look. I personally would be happy to see R1, R2, Rn ship with the current look. I see people writing that they want a modern look to the gui. If this means an XP or Aqua rip off no thanks. Both those interfaces look like they were draw for children by children.

I know that we must do something for all the customizers out there. I just don’t see why people bash the current look. Personally it’s much more professional/clean looking then either XP or Aqua.

God damn it! The only reason why i running Dano instead R5 it is look. I like Danos decors, snake menu, buttons, bars etc. Nice and simple.

I don’t like Stuart McCoy mockup. Better stay with R5 look.

I like that:

inseculous wrote:
Both those interfaces look like they were draw for children by children.
Can't comment on Auqa, but the first time I saw XP I said "Look a Fisher Price toy!"

To add my 2 cents, I like those pics of Stuart’s mockups. If I had a vote for the look and feel, I’d go with that.

Minus the stupid pulsing (which can be stopped by setting the pulse colour to purple as well), I actually like the Dano UI. Prior to around R4, the UI in BeOS was really, well, mucky. Didn’t look or feel right, even it is virtually the same as R5 has.

Does the GUI isn’t a “kit” like the others, loaded during the boot?
If so, there’s no problem of performance.
The other thing is if we have a kit, everyone can choose the one he wants to use and so everybody is happy.

Like “I’m not remember who” said, The GUI have to be attractive to help new people to be interested by this OS. Haiku must be as “beautiful” (maybe modern is a righter word) and simple to use as Windows and as powerful as Linux. Think performance but don’t forget marketing.


past0R wrote:
God damn it! The only reason why i running Dano instead R5 it is look. I like Danos decors, snake menu, buttons, bars etc. Nice and simple.

I don’t like Stuart McCoy mockup. Better stay with R5 look.

I like that:

excuse me but this is all I hate !!!!! It's look like not finished ! It's a skeleton !!! worse, it's like Win 3.11 !!!!! This in BeOS and I switch back to Windows95 !

This thread serves to show what a personal thing a GUI is.

I used to think R5 was ugly, but after using it for a few years it has really grown on me. I’m not a fan of the dano look at the moment (too much flat contrast - looks a bit childish) but if I used it for a few years it’s not unlikely that it would also grow on me.


I think that the BeOS r5 GUI is beautiful and I haven’t seen anything I would want to replace it. I do like parts of other skins, but on the whole r5 is it for me. I would certainly vote to put cosmetic interface updates at the bottom of the To-Do list for Haiku.

I am with you ! ;o)

eh eh … first, we have to think about:

  • what a GUI for ?
  • why i like this and not this ?
  • what the GUI could give us ?
  • what should be skinnable or not ?
  • how to keep it very user friendly ?

I am not against the zSnake and the buttons style of Dano/Zeta. First time i have shown BeOS to a friend, he said “whaou … fast ! But … the GUI is out to date !” … then 6 months after i show him Zeta andthen he says “eh eh … getting better !! I like it !”. I’m totally agree, i prefer the small shadow behind buttons instead of the big border … i feel it sexier :slight_smile:
After that, purple wouldn’t be the color i would choose :wink:

For tabs, yes i like the old R5 style and in fact i’m getting used to the Zeta Menlo one too. Smooth corners is cool.

In the second muckup, what i really really like it gradients in attributes cases and the small shadow behind contextual menus and windows. It really makes it smooth. But the tab is ugly and buttons in it are too small. Same thing about scrollbars … simply … beurk.

In the third muckup, i like … well no i don’t like it :slight_smile:
Too small scrollbars (think about people using touchpad) and i don’t have a NASA precison mouse lol. Still this u*** purple and buttons in the tab are really too small ! (for a skin in the same way, i prefer the DanO style “Origin”). This dark grey makes me want to cry …
Mainly i feel it rude.

I don’t want lots of colors, i need medium size buttons and scrollbars and a rounded tab (of course in yellow :slight_smile: ). For Haiku R1, the goal of this release is to remake BeOS R5 with some improvments or for some things in a better way. I think we should keep the same idea for the GUI, makes it first classic but with some improvments like a small shadow behind menus and windows and a gradient in attributes cases (muckup 2) but build it already with a theme system.

That’s what i think, that’s my personnal feeling about it, not less, not more. I will make some muckups also if i could find some time for it :slight_smile:

Hmm…there’s just too much visually going on in the tab area, IMHO…

(or isn’t that a mockup but the reality of Dano?)

It isn’t my mockup. Look here
I agree with beosfrance - Timothy Martin mockup (3rd presented) need tweaking. I just show you direction to follow. Do you can just copy R5 or Dano look? I don’t think so! You have seen how BeOS was changed from R5 to Dano. So evolve it further. It must be specific like it was in the past! I doubt that such changes can be done in near future though. Right now I’m cool with fact that Haiku R1 will look like BeOS 5 with some little improvments.

I just hope that R1 gui will be show to the public before will be to late. I think we don’t need be suprised like we were with new OpenBeOS name. :D. I get used to it now. But gui is MUCH more important. So… familiarize us sooner :wink:.

past0R wrote:
It isn't my mockup. Look here I agree with beosfrance - Timothy Martin mockup (3rd presented) need tweaking. I just show you direction to follow. Do you can just copy R5 or Dano look? I don't think so! You have seen how BeOS was changed from R5 to Dano. So evolve it further. It must be specific like it was in the past! I doubt that such changes can be done in near future though. Right now I'm cool with fact that Haiku R1 will look like BeOS 5 with some little improvments.

I just hope that R1 gui will be show to the public before will be to late. I think we don’t need be suprised like we were with new OpenBeOS name. :D. I get used to it now. But gui is MUCH more important. So… familiarize us sooner :wink:.

Personnaly I prefer the second one. But BeOS have a secret code to change the interface (wi, Mac…) So can’t we do the same thing but not secret, just in Preferences panel and then we can choose the one we prefer and maybe if we can make add-ons everybody can choose or create the skin he prefers…
