CudaText 64bit: Text/Code Editor: RC. Please report issues

How did you fix the ‘open with’ problem? I am facing the same problem (UBLViewer)
I looked into the reply by @phw and I downloaded your package that you made for CudaText, where I see that you made a resource file with the attributes QT:QPA_FLAGS.
I’ve made a rdef-file (and .rsrc file) based on your example, but how do I incorperate this into pascal code (freepascal or lazarus)
I am using libQt5Pas (1.2.9) and Haiku 64bit (and a bit lost)

FOUND IT: Seems I needed to add the attributes using xres

Good day,

After some time out, today I got back to Haiku. Updated the OS to latest nightly which caused some display issues… missing icons(the ones I had modified), font settings… And was the time to retake the CudaText stuff.


This is last CudaText with a Godot Project open. This is run whitin Lazarus, not yet built. At least it runs, so next step is building it and redo all the packaging.

I’ll try to build it and update the package. Once done, will update info.



Good day,

As you can see here:

The package is made. Not yet available on Github, I have to review git commands and not sure if should make a new branch or replace things (no idea on how to work with branches neither).

Presumably, before the end of the week the HPKG will be available to download.



Good day,

Finally the release is available on Github:

I made a branch. It’s the first time, so I expect everything should be fine. If not, let me know.

CudaText should install without issues, though it might show an issue when closing tabs. This was present already in prior releases, and I haven’t figured out yet how to solve it (I presume it’s related to the Lazarus package? :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

Please do test and report.



It looks good. Is there any chance of it getting onto HaikuDepot?

Good day @MrEntropy,

That is the idea, though I just learnt to make HPKGs with CudaText, and today to work with branches on Github [though not sure if properly].

AFAIK, to get it onto HaikuDepot there are two ways:

1- I make a repo to hold this package [and hopefully others] that users should add to HaikuDepot. I don’t know how to do this yet, nor how to manage version updates with the HPKG file format for when a new version is released. I don’t think that a HaikuDepot repo can be made from a Github repo, or parts of it.

2- Add it to Haikuports. I don’t know how to do this neither. @Begasus is helping here and he already did a nice work with freepascal and libQt5pas as they are already available on HaikuDepot through Haikuports thanks to him. Now CudaText HPKG calls for the install of libQt5pas instead of it being provided within the CudaText package. Lazarus seems harder to get to Haikuports, and while it’s not available at Haikuports, CudaText couldn’t be available at Haikuports neither [@Begasus is this correct?]

I don’t really understand how Haikuports works yet, and I’m just starting with the HPKG format as well, so it’s going to take some time to get it on HaikuDepot, unless someone knows of a third way [then please enlighten me] to get it there sooner. It’s a long path to walk, and gets longer because of shortage of free time to dedicate to Haiku. We’ll hopefully get there though. :wink:



Sounds good! Thanks!

Still no progress on creating a working recipe for Lazarus :frowning: (didn’t have any time this week either to check up on other things) :frowning:

Good day @Begasus,

No problem. I walk at a very slow pace lately, so still have plenty of time, and Cuda releases new versions quite fast, that I mostly can’t catch up with the releases for Haiku to meet the regular releases.

On the other hand, building it and packaging it is helping me with learning about the creation of HPKGs, which is also an important matter for future projects…


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Managed to build CudaText today on 32bit :wink: with


EDIT Played a bit with font settings/themes and added some missing directories into ~/config/settings/cudatext :slight_smile:


EDIT 2 Default font and size is adjusted in the source, for Haiku this is now set to Noto Sans Mono and size 12


Good day @Begasus ,

Genius! :rofl: Shouldn’t I be doing those?? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Better for me, I have to admit that I wouldn’t have done anything without your help though.

You have to teach that knowledge :wink:

Thanks a lot!! :+1: :+1: :+1:


Just wanted to check if it build for 32bit @roiredxsoto :wink:

EDIT we were looking at that at: with @Alextp (hope I tagged the wright person here) :wink:

CudaText for 32bit is available for install now :slight_smile:

Thanks for the help getting there @roiredxsoto and @Alexey-T :ok_hand:

It this available in haikudepot? It looks promising as a text editor

Yes for 32bit, for 64bit there is still a link posted by @roiredxsoto here in this thread. :slight_smile:

Comming up (so far only checked 32bit) :slight_smile: