"Cross compiling" with VSCode


I’ve been playing with VSCode and cross compiling to find out if it is theoretically possible to bypass special cross compilation tools (and the gdbserver component which at present does not work) and use an instance of Haiku as a compilation and debugging station while writing your code on your Linux PC using VSCode.

You’ll be glad to hear the answer is a practical YES. All you really need is to install Native Debugging Extensions to your VSCode.

Since the configuration is a bit lengthy, here are the instructions and the sample github project.

  1. How to configure your VSCode

  2. Sample project on GitHub
    ( to moderator: Sex is an abbreviation for Settings Explorer, sorry about that :laughing: )

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Nice article :slight_smile:

One comment though : it’s not really cross compiling, but only compiling under a VM. Cross compiling would be to compile the binary under your Linux system.