Comunity need beta version now

Hello Future Haiku Comunity:
A long time the BeOS comunity is waiting for a first version of OpenBeos (Haiku). When release a full test version ?

.: Xirtam :.

When it’s ready ™

Personally I’m really stoked by all the process of late, I feel it getting closer all the time. Rock on guys.

I don’t know how accurate this progress graph is, but here is a progress graph:

Xirtam wrote:
Hello Future Haiku Comunity: A long time the BeOS comunity is waiting for a first version of OpenBeos (Haiku). When release a full test version ?

.: Xirtam :.

Test versions of haiku code/components are readily available now…but I suspect you are referring to the kernel and app_server pieces which are still incomplete.

As has been stated several times before, you can actually take many components of Haiku and replace BeOS R5 components with them. I believe some BeOS PE-based distros already do this…

So essentially, it’s slowly taking the place of R5, piece by piece… When the kernel and app_server are done (and “done” is hard to define here, as the kernel may already be somewhat-usable on some hardware) I suspect you will start to see ISO’s and everything you’re expecting from an “ordinary” OS project…

maybe someone knowledgeable enough can put together a package of Haiku components that are testable (note “testable”, not “production quality”)?

if someone can provide a detailed list, i’ll give it a shot.

mmadia wrote:
maybe someone knowledgeable enough can put together a package of Haiku components that are testable (note "testable", not "production quality")?

if someone can provide a detailed list, i’ll give it a shot.

The best place to start is the jam packages available from the build factory:

go to bottom of page.

networking kit, printing kit, input kit, translation kit, etc. are there… not sure of their usability. I might grab a few of them when I get home and test 'em out.

As a new-comer myself to the Haiku project (long-time BeOS user/fan) I recently jam’d the current source tree (as of Monday night).

If anyone’s interested I’ll be putting together a small BeOS site shortly which will feature my rambling on BeOS (along with a slightly updated ‘how to build the source’ document and locally-stored build tools). I can also make the apps available there if that helps (although there is a build factory already in place on this site).

The link to my site is stuff will be posted shortly…

umccullough wrote:
I might grab a few of them when I get home and test 'em out.

I grabbed the whole Haiku build factor distro and jam packages collection before I left work and took 'em home with me (I have a pathetic dialup connection with max. throughput of 31.2kbps)

I quickly realized that my recently re-installed Max V3.1 HD was in no condition to actually use… (no network connectivity, turned out to be a driver issue) so I didn’t get a chance to test anything out.

It’s very incomplete, but my Haiku site is now up. Specifically, the packages I managed to build are available (in /pkgs/) - they total around 71Mb, although the bulk of this is the /bin/ tools folder. Anyhow, the URL is:


chris.k23 wrote:
It's very incomplete...
I'm not sure if this is part of the incompleteness, but projects.html and building.html are 404.

Just thought I’d tell you incase it isn’t (permissions problem?).

Yeah, sorry - I wanted to make the packages section available. The 404’s are to be expected I’m afraid… :oops: