Computers compatible with Haiku (current version)

12 days later (and yet another mockup, which is what again slowed me down), I have finally updated the hardware list again! :slight_smile: Thanks Jeremy Passarelli, RLeonhardt, and the anonymous contributor for your contributions!

To view the current hardware list, please see:

To add new hardware:

Method 1: The easiest way is to use the Add Hardware form (v6.20) powered by Google Forms.
Method 2 : If you don’t like Google, you can alternatively add your hardware by posting to or replying to this thread (but if you do it this way, please refer to and use the same format the other hardware listings do with the template). The listing will then be posted on the Hardware List as with Method 1.
Method 3 : Or… you can also simply reply to this thread with a useful description of your hardware (for example: “Hi, I have a 2020 Leafbook with a 2.6 GHz Intel i7 9750H processor, Intel HD graphics, and 8 GB of 2666MHz DDR4 RAM with Haiku Nightly hrev54042 on it and I started from a USB drive. Works fairly well. Can connect to the Internet including over WiFi. Starts and runs normally, though I get no sound.”)

  • Please do not create edit or pull requests on Google Sheets or GitHub, as these will be ignored.
  • For any fixes or questions, please post them here, and I’ll update the hardware list when I can.

Thank you everyone!