Compiling VVVVVV on Haiku

You can just boot an older revision by holding shift during boot and picking it in the boot menu. No need to set up everything from scratch.

The boot problem has been fixed, it should be in tomorrow nightly build, so you can update again to that and then resume work as usual.

Oddly enough, earlier states didnā€™t work too. Iā€™ll try with the latest nightly image when I wake after a couple hours.

Boot loader was broken, so state selection doesnā€™t help. Working boot loader should be used, for example boot from another disk with working boot loader and select boot volume.

Iā€™ll give it a look tomorrow, thanks for the PR so far!

Ouch, of all the things to be broken it had to be the boot loader itself. Tbh, Iā€™m surprised (and glad) that issues like this donā€™t come up more often in the nightlies.

Posting here again to say that recipes for VVVVVV and its data file are now building working packages:

Screenshot of the game working from the built packages:

Only needs approval to be merged into HaikuPorts and maybe some possible recipe improvement suggestions before that.

Testing on various systems would be appreciated. The main recipe is currently tested for x86_64 only.


VVVVVV got merged earlier, so itā€™s available at HaikuDepot, thanks for your contribution!


If you change workspace and come back in windowed mode, everything is fine. If you do the same thing in fullscreen mode, the game is no longer there (sound is and the app is still in tracker but it is no longer on screen, only the normal workspace desktop is there).

Also this release could use an icon.

Thanks for reporting @AlienSoldier! A good artist could create the icon (Iā€™m not one of them) :slight_smile:

This is likely problem in libSDL2 port. I will look at it. Game code itself is probably valid.

I did consider making one myself, but I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything in the game that could be made to fit the art style of Haiku icons. It is a very 2D game, with little to no attempts at faking 3D in any way. I could be wrong about the last half of the first sentence, though.

Also uh, I couldnā€™t quite figure out Icon-O-Matic. :sweat_smile:

If you open a new thread for a specific question on IOM, we can try to answer it and everyone finding the thread in the future can learn from it.

Or file an issue for a missing icon on haikuports :slight_smile:

yeah ā€¦good ideaā€¦ i have trouble too when creating icon with iom

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