Can't build Haiku under BeOS

The version of Jam available on this website at is not capable of building Haiku under BeOS. Reported error is:

Archive actions too long (max 20480)!

I have tried incrementally building the files, but the main compilation is still to big for the limits of this version of Jam. Linux versions have a different limit, which I believe is 40960, and apparently all the developers are now building under Ubuntu.

I would have reported this bug directly to Trac but I don’t have access for the purpose of reporting bugs, despite verifying my subscription.


Yep, the version of Jam in the haiku buildtools repo has been fixed to allow longer actions (40960 now), and you should compile and use this version instead.

If you grab the buildtools/trunk/jam sources (not very large) you should be able to recompile it with “jam” in the directory and then maybe “jam install” (not sure if it installs to the right directory though).

Worst case, take the jam binary created in the obj.x86 folder (I think that’s where it drops) and copy it over your current version.

This is yet-another-unmaintained-version for BeOS/Zeta. Perhaps you’d like to take up the maintainership for the BeOS buildtools? The documentation and tools are way out of date since so few people use that platform any longer for building Haiku :frowning:

On the Trac issue, after registering, Trac sends a confirmation email which apparently ends up in a spam folder very often, if you can find it, you should be able to confirm your registration and gain permission to submit tickets.


Thanks, I’ll build that code up and test it today.

[quote]This is yet-another-unmaintained-version for BeOS/Zeta. Perhaps you’d like to take up the maintainership for the BeOS buildtools? The documentation and tools are way out of date since so few people use that platform any longer for building Haiku :frowning:

Only just regained interest after 5 years away from the BeOS, so this is a bit premature. I’d also need access to the whole website to fix incorrect instructions, and a place to store the files since I no longer run a server. But I’d be willing to forward any version I build to someone else to update the current one.

Trac did send me a confirmation, and I responded to it. Still can’t add bug reports, it will need manual intervention.


[quote=haiqu]I’d also need access to the whole website to fix incorrect instructions, and a place to store the files since I no longer run a server.

But I’d be willing to forward any version I build to someone else to update the current one.[/quote]

That can be managed once you have something available :slight_smile: - there are several people who have edit access to the website now, we have a mailing list setup for web admin/content tasks:

Server storage is not an issue either…

Strange… you should probably go ahead and send a note to or even mentioning that your Trac account is screwed up - usually Niels or someone with Trac admin permissions can fix those issues.

Cool. Once I get something usable I’ll look into that further. There’s a minor glitch though, svn isn’t allowing me to get the sources from the damned buildtools directory. I can ‘svn up’ the haiku sources and access the website via http so this is fairly weird. Looks like another case for the experts.

I sent an email to the haiku-dev list about Trac.


which protocol are you using to checkout the build tools, svn checkout svn:// or svn checkout http://?

Some people have reported intermittent issues when using svn://

Hi Matt,

I tried it again later and it worked, so no problem. I was using:

svn checkout svn://…

per the website.


BTW, I now have a rebuilt package if anyone can tell me where to send it. Although I’m not too sure how to do that from within BeOS these days, unless I get access to an FTP server. :slight_smile:

As of 6pm tonight (Australian Eastern Daylight Time) I have a working build of Haiku Pre-Alpha.


Ah-hem, all righty then. Damn, if it had a browser I’d be using it to develop on. I haven’t been so excited since I first installed BeOS 4.5.2 on an ancient dual-P133. Just installed it on a spare 7.5Gb drive and loaded Bootman, and up she came with no drama at all.

Well done to all concerned.


try using jam -q @alpha-raw
that’ll build your own official pre-alpha image, which includes amongst other things the developer tools and BeZillaBrowser, which is based on Mozilla’s source code.

Note: prior to running that command, you’ll need to download the OpenSSL 0.9.8 OptionalPackage and extract it to “generated/cross-ssl”. Look inside build/jam/OptionalPackages to find the url for OpenSSL

Note-2: the “-q” flag instructs jam to exit quickly on error. Without it, jam will continue building all remaining targets burying the actual error code beneath gobs of other output.

Sounds good. However, there are no instructions to update an image, only to install one complete. I’ve just copied all the repo code onto Haiku and it took hours, so I wouldn’t want to have to repeat that in a hurry.

I can build under either BeOS 5.0.3 Pro or Haiku, but no idea how to update the Haiku drive non-destructively.


This is where the instructions on the site really start lacking :slight_smile:

For adding Firefox, Vision, and other optional packages, you can use the alpha profile, but if you just want add those optional packages yourself, you should read UserBuildConfig.Readme and add the optionalpackages before building Haiku.

I strongly recommend the following minimum packages (if you plan to do development):

CVS Development Firefox OpenSSH Pe Subversion Vision

You don’t need to do the cross-ssl thing if you don’t need SSL support on your mail client. I personally use GMail, so it’s not needed for me.

You should check up on how to use BuildProfiles - you’ll find info on them in the build/jam/UserBuildConfig.ReadMe file

The build profiles support either writing to a device directly, or if compiling from haiku/beos onto another BFS partition, you can use the “install” profile type which will just mount the partition and update all the files (non-destructively!)

then you would just use:

jam -q @myinstallprofile

If you want to build directly to a partition though, such as from Linux/FreeBSD/etc the standard “disk” profile can still be used, but one would have the ability to use the “update-all” profile command:

jam -q @mydiskprofile update-all

There are some things it can’t do properly, so YMMV… Sometimes it’s best to just have a spare partition to put your data files and applications so you can just wipe clean your Haiku install whenever you want to update it.


I (and many others) hang out in #haiku on freenode pretty much always if you ever have any questions.

Yeah, I’m pretty sure I’ll have more questions so IRC seems to be a good idea. I’ll read the docs you pointed at, and the jam scripts, to figure out what these targets actually do.

I would have thought most of the packages you mention could simply be post-installed from packages anyhow, so I’m not worried about doing a brand new image build and including them.

As long as I can ‘svn up’ and then somehow get the upgraded core files onto my working Haiku HDD, I’ll be rapt.


“Development” optional package really cannot be installed easily after the fact… since it does a lot of stuff that can’t just be “unzipped” to a directory.

Most of the others can, however :slight_smile:

You can check in the build/jam/OptionalPackages to see where they come from and how they’re installed.

Ah, I’ll figure out a way to install the Development package.

Well, I just had to try an update. Looks like updating the code from the repository and rebuilding it on BeOS, and then simply doing a

HAIKU_INSTALL_DIR=/Haiku jam install-haiku

works fine, and doesn’t damage anything already there. Various instructions said otherwise, so I was relieved.

This message posted via Mozilla on Haiku Pre-Alpha!!
