Can't boot Haiku from USB

I’m trying to boot haiku-nightly-hrev49579-x86_gcc2_hybrid from the USB-drive on the my mini laptop.

Immediately after the boot I get an error:

PANIC: unable to find irq routing for PCI 0:26:0

What should I do?

Model: ASUS F200M (without CD)
BIOS: default

Hello Period,

please jump into the computers BIOS an disable “Secure Boot” option. If does not help, disable “USB 3.0” functionality also. This works for the most notebooks.

It is a pity . I need USB ports. There are only 3.0.

I’ll wait for the release.

I really liked your system. I’m not a coder. Just started learning Python. Can I help anything?

Instructions on how to create multiboot USB flash drive to the Haiku OS

If you have built things from source before (or want to explore things and learn), Haiku can always do with more ported software. Have a search on “HaikuPorts” and “recipe” to get started. Haikuporter, which is used to build packages from those recipes is written in Python. There are a few enhancement tickets for it, but those are probably for later, when you’re more experienced with the language.

If you are a non-English native speaker you can help translating GUI strings and the user guide, see the wiki.

You can also just use and test the nightly images and file tickets for bugs you encounter or add more info to existing tickets. Or see if tickets haven’t been closed that you cannot reproduce with current revisions.

And of course, spread the word, join discussions here and on IRC, enjoy yourself. :slight_smile:

Thank you. You explained everything very clearly.