Canadian Haiku Meeting

First, I notice that the HSA seems to be all European in nature.

I would like to see if I could arrange a North American/Canadian club meeting or even a conference if enough people are interested, sometime in 2015.

The main location would be near the airport in Toronto Canada. The number of people will determine where, but there are a number of hotels in the area that have conference centers for rent on a daily basis.

However, I don’t know if anyone else would be interested and what activities they would care to be doing.

If you think it may be possible for you, please leave a message here in the forum or leave a voice mail at 905-434-5976.

PS. Any suggestion on how else to do this?

Hmmm. That’s about 4.5 hours away from me. It might be possible.

I presently live just outside Oshawa, I thought near the Airport being the best place but I am willing to move the meeting anywhere from westward to Hamilton, or eastward to Cobourg if that will help more people to come.

Are there any more Canadian Haiku users?

I’m in Ottawa, a little bit too far away for a convenient trip.

Funny someone mentions Cobourg. I’d offer free pizza and beer to all if it’s held in Cobourg… :wink:

If it were in Montreal it would only be 5.5 hours from me!

If it were in Montreal it would only be 5.5 hours from me!

Additional details.

I presently live in Courtice which is besides the town of Oshawa, Ontario.

Since I have a car that can carry five people (myself plus four), I have no problem acting as a mini-shuttle service to pick-up some people to take them to the meeting if that helps.

I also probably can set up my home to help 2-3 people sleep over night if needed to help them catch a flight/train/bus the following day.

I hope I am posting in the right place.

PS. In case anyone is wondering I do not plan to charge anyone for the meeting or any rides I provide for this meeting. I would just like to plant a seed to grow a local Haiku-OS group.

Are you East or West of Montreal?

If not in Cobourg, what do you think if I offered a free ride and back for the meeting?

Do you ever come out this way?

I’m in Portland, Maine. But I was born in Montreal.

Hey Haiku Programmer, what Haiku projects have you been working on? I’m looking for help working on demos for Beta 1.

[quote=AndrewZ]I’m in Portland, Maine. But I was born in Montreal.

Hey Haiku Programmer, what Haiku projects have you been working on? I’m looking for help working on demos for Beta 1.[/quote]

My real name is Earl Colby Pottinger, I should had posted that info before.

Personally, I am a poor programmer. One reason I would like to be in contact with other Haiku people is to help me develop better programs.

I have a few programs on BeBits and Haikuware, but I have a long way to go before I can write code that others find useful. Still I hope I can find some way to make it possible to get some Haiku users to meet together.

welcome back!

i’m interested in a canada meetup. i would aim for anytime after the second week of july. (i’m in southern california, this is not even remotely close to toronto, but if scheduling can line up with a documentary trip i’m planning, it’ll work!)

Early next month I will try pricing the different places a small meeting can be held at in Toronto and Oshawa. I will add Cobourg and Hamilton to the list if other people express an interest to have it in those locations.

Basicly I want the location that the most people can come to.

July would be a good month I think, we will see.

Earl Colby Pottinger

Good to see there are other Haiku users in Canada. I’m in Calgary, so a meeting in Toronto is out of the equation for me. I’d be interested in knowing just how many of us there are out there.

It seems like we’re scattered all over Canada. Which makes it kind of hard to have a meeting. I’d be more likely able to get to Montreal in the summer (cottage nearby) than Toronto, though I do have relatives I could stay at in TO.

I don't think you need to rent a special room; we could all fit in someone's apartment.

- Alex

In fact I own an entire house of which I am only using half the space for living.

The house is in Courtice, but like I said before I have no problem acting as a shuttle service to pick up people from Hamilton, Toronto and/or Cobourg to take them to the meeting.

Also the Go-Train service would make it easy for anyone from Hamilton to Ajax get to the Oshawa Go Station where I also can do a pick-up/drop-off.

I would like to find the place that will make it possible for the most people to meet, but I will throw in that if it is at my house I can also add a barbecue and since I don’t really drink there is a safe driver (myself) available. I also have three spare beds (two bedrooms) available for anyone who needs to sleep overnight.

Since I also own a condo in Florida (unfurnished), if this works out maybe I should look in doing a Florida Haiku meeting too. A Haiku fan can dream can’t they?