Build troubles

I am having a lot of problems with the build envirment in general. I’m not used to this type of of envirnment where you need a custom toolchain and such which is entirely my fault. Is there a script to set it up perhaps? Or even better, a VMware / QEMU image that has the envirnment already set up and ready to go. I am wasting a lot of time of setting all this up and i get the feeling it is going to be a long time before i will get it right and am to build haiku, so it would save me tons of time.

right now I just want to do some basic application level apps to get used to the API, however i feel like ill never make it to that point.

check this post

BrandonTurner wrote:
right now I just want to do some basic application level apps to get used to the API, however i feel like ill never make it to that point.

If you want to do just apps - you’re better off installing BeOS R5 PE w/Dev tools (or choose the 3rd-party BeOS MAX or BeOS DevEdition distros).

It is probably much easier to work with and the API is the same. You can probably even run the apps unaltered in Haiku (since it aims to be not only source-compatible, but also binary-compatible with BeOS R5).