Build or Download Firefox 3.6.9 on Haiku

Hello, again.

This, I believe, is something that would be useful to whoever might read it, which is why I’m asking: How can I download Firefox 3.6.9 (“Namoroka”) on Haiku, or better yet, successfully compile it? As of right now, out of all the browsers (e.g. including Web+ and Arora), Firefox 3.0a has the best compatibility.

However, being a curious programmer :), I grabbed a source tarball of Firefox 4 Beta 5 last night, and tried to compile it with the shell, where I found Firefox 4 failed the compilation, with the make file giving out a lot of ‘no’s’ in the preflight necessary to compile the software. I didn’t continue, as I’ve heard that anyone that has tried this is still porting it or it crashes on open. :slight_smile:

As of right now, Live™ Mail takes me to the mobile version, Excel™ Online will not work with jumbled icons on the top (Why doesn’t make an online office suite–seriously?) :D, and several times, Minefield has either froze up the mouse or closed. Once, media_server closed, and clicking the Debug button leaves me holding down Ctrl+Cmd+Delete or Ctrl+Alt+Del, more colloquially, for four seconds. As of right now, and I’d say 75% of the time Minefield works fine, however, you can see there’s something up…

Therefore, my question is whether Namoroka or 3.6 is even available for Haiku?

Firefox 2.0.x & Firefox 3-Alpha for Haiku only.

Firefox 3, after Alpha, switched to using Cairo. Cairo is not working on Haiku. Someone would have to fix Cairo first. None of the developers are interested in doing this. They are happy using one of the current browsers available. If cario worked then maybe very possible to get Firefox 3.x working on Haiku (by compiling it).

Have you tried QtWeb? I have not tested it but believe supposed to be real good on Haiku.

I think better than Web+ & Arora but someone else will have to confirm this.

Right! What was the matter with me? :slight_smile:

Yes, I do recall that Firefox’s libraries now do depend on Cairo, however, I wasn’t sure whether Haiku had this.

Thank you! Your reply was not only helpful, but I understand why Firefox 3.6 - 4 won’t compile. The specific QT library is not implemented in Haiku for the browser, though. :smiley: Tested it.

Qt is done by 3rd party. The Qt libraries you require are in this zip file:

I think someone said with network stack changes that applications like Arora no longer work but I have not tested to see for myself. (may crash?).

Arora is also Qt based. The version off haikuware includes the Qt libraries in lib subfolder off of Arora folder. (ie: qt libraries bundled with Arora and installed at application level; not system wide).

Thanks–interesting… I guess I’m used to how things would have run in Linux. :slight_smile:

Things in Haiku seem to be contained such as bundles in OS X. At least from what I’ve observed… only with a different application folder hierarchy, shall I say, and behavior (OS X has where you double-click a bundle, it treats it as an executable in the Finder, where it is really a folder in theory). Haiku leaves it a folder, where its user has to click the executable inside. But… there’s always links. :slight_smile:

I like how things run in Haiku. This is like working on a mix of OS X with PC spun in. :slight_smile:

[quote=tonestone57]Firefox 2.0.x & Firefox 3-Alpha for Haiku only.

Firefox 3, after Alpha, switched to using Cairo. Cairo is not working on Haiku. Someone would have to fix Cairo first. None of the developers are interested in doing this. They are happy using one of the current browsers available. If cario worked then maybe very possible to get Firefox 3.x working on Haiku (by compiling it).

Can I ask how difficult could be fixing the Cairo? I’m interesting in it but I’m totally newbie in a Haiku development so I can not do it without some help.

In the fact the only reason why I can not use Haiku is missing latest Firefox version (because of XUL development).
You should also see that there is not only Firefox - but XulRunner behind it and thus many other applications (Thunderbird, Songbird, Instantbird and so on).

Cairo has support for BeOS surface backend which has to be updated (and completed?) for Haiku.

Cairo on Haiku seems to fail 29 of 172 tests. You can see the failures here:

Look through link below for some information and comments:

Not sure how difficult to fix but would guess moderate difficulty. Good to check out the code.

Ask on developer mailing list for programming help.

Thanks, I’ll go on and try to build it.

I’m actually re-opening the same old thread here, :), however… when attempting to start Firefox 3.6, the following will happen:

runtime_loader: /boot/home/Desktop/firefox/firefox-bin: Unhandled pheader type in count 0x7
runtime_loader: /boot/home/Desktop/firefox/firefox-bin: Troubles parsing Program headers, numRegions = -2147483632

Therefore, is it an impossibility (at this point in time) to get this working? Any other coders here finally get Firefox 3 (any version higher than “Minefield”) to run?

If it can run, could you please post back? It’d be highly appreciated.