BFS access in windows

It works? or no?

It worked for me but it has too primitive interface and hard to use. It will be nice to have 7-zip File Manager plugin like NTFS or FAT.


Yep. It does what the author designed it to do: copy files from BFS to Windows. I’m running it in Win7.

Download BFSViewer

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SkyOS … brings back some memories :smiley:

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…very interesting OS… but i never try it out when know its discontinued…

You needed a license for it to be able to use it, was pretty cool, did some library/game building on it also back then

yes… last time when i see the official website… creator make it freely download (trial?) but i’not trying it… looking screenshot seem very promising…
and i hope creator released it as opensource… but my hope seem not become true

Probably have the other beta’s still stacked somewhere here, thanks for the link @Polli

@Starcrasher Found the thread! Thanks for directing me to this. Turns out it doesn’t work with GPT partitions though.

I find it ironic that one of the Haiku/BeOS collaborators from 2004 rejected the idea of a driver to read BFS files from Windows, and then turns out some Haiku devs actually needed the tool. Almost like that person wasn’t actually thinking about practicality and usability.

Haha, bringing back memories :smile:
Some of that development back in 2007 actually landed me my first job :nerd_face:


Well, usually one can just mount such partitions or external drives inside a Haiku VM running on a Windows host and access them that way; then you get full read-write access of course. I think that’s the more “normal” way to do such accesses. (And, well, this isn’t actually “a driver”, which in 2004 would have been a ton of work, while now it’d probably be less as there’s ways to build FUSE drivers for Windows now.)

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Sure. But if you want people to move to your Operating System, you need the tools to let people transfer their files between OSs, especially in dual-boot cases. I was about 6 years old in 2004, so I don’t know how popular VMs were back then, but I first encountered VMs much later, more like in 2008 or 2010 with Microsoft’s Virtual PC. Virtualbox’s initial release was in 2007.

I’m not sure where you saw that? Especially as this thread starts in 2007. Anyways, I don’t really see the irony, mainly because not all of Haiku devs have to think exactly the same way, especially with a timespan of 20 years.

I would be curious who it was and what they said exactly, however. My guess would be they said “I’m not interested in doing it” or something along those lines, which I would agree with…

That is very complicated and cumbersome. I think turning this into an actual Windows driver and maybe syncing it with current Haiku BFS sources could make for an interesting GSoC project, and would make everyone’s life much easier.

I don’t get the reason for your reply here, it is a “tell me what you need, I will explain why you don’t really need it” and I don’t see what it brings to the discussion…

I would be curious who it was and what they said exactly, however. My guess would be they said “I’m not interested in doing it” or something along those lines, which I would agree with…

Their reply was more along the lines of “we won’t do that because we’re trying to create our own OS here”. Anyways, it hardly matters. Being volunteers is a bit different from being main developers, and so sure, I agree that if someone isn’t interested in doing something, then they shouldn’t have to do it. But for me personally, if I were to volunteer for a project, I would put effort into more than just myself, because that’s just how I view software development should work - you program for others, not just yourself, and programming for others is a very rewarding feeling for me, personally. This is certainly a different mindset from most of the open source community though, and I realize that.

The irony is the view that creating your own OS somehow implies you don’t need to make tools for other OSs, which I think has shown to be false.

Well, that’s cool, we certainly will appreciate it if you contribute some things :smiley:

I would love to be able to do more work for others, but it turns out, first of all, I need my computer working so I can work on the OS, and that keeps me more than busy already. Everyone has different motivations: writing an OS for their own use, getting some fame and praise from users, earning money, just hacking on very specific topics and learning more about how computer works…

So I can very well understand why a developer of Haiku in the state it was in 2004 wouldn’t put a BFS driver for Windows on their top pile of priorities.

Also, you say I needed this solution, but that is not true: I chose this solution because it was the easiest in the situation I found myself then. This was the case only because someone else had already done 99.99% of the work. Otherwise, I would have taken a different path, there were many possible ones.

So, I appreciate the work, it was helpful in that situation, and I don’t plan to get more involved into Windows development, it is beyond my understanding how this system works and why people keep trying to use it…


Well, that’s cool, we certainly will appreciate it if you contribute some things :smiley:

I would if your OS worked, but it doesn’t. That’s usually what happens when you only program for yourself. You cannot expect users to contribute and do all your work for you. I don’t understand why Open Source developers don’t get that this mindset is like extremely exclusionary and selfish. If you are going to make a project, you cannot be exclusionary like this. The OS is supposed to be for everyone, not just skilled programmers who have the time and money trying to do your job for you.

Also, you say I needed this solution, but that is not true: I chose this solution because it was the easiest in the situation I found myself then.

I was actually quoting you when I say you “needed” this solution, FYI. If you want to blame me for something YOU said, by all means, but you look foolish. Access BFS partitions from Windows

Any post taking the troll bait will be hidden as off-topic.

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