Beta 4 Wishlist

It doesn’t even run GUI applications atm…

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QtWebEngine fully fixed without any crashes. Main wish.


Aros hosted on top of Haiku :slight_smile:

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Some variant of the private interface in `WindowInfo.h’ exposed to programs. It would be nice to be able to query my own team’s window hierarchy, and even better to be able to look up that of the whole display.

(Probably something like `get_window_order’ that returns a list of BWindows instead of tokens.)

Hosted AROS would have to be a third-party add-on like WINE.


Only one thing need to be done. Making things more stable (Browser, Image processing, Office).


Add drivers :slight_smile: i2c, and you could also add hotkeys to work with gui without a mouse on a raw opening


I would also like to see some form of NVIDIA support, as I still have a machine with only NVIDIA graphics that I’d like to try Haiku on. I’d do it myself, but I don’t have the expertise.

It just sounds like Haiku doesn’t support NVidia, which isn’t true ;-).

Haiku Hardware Database (

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Isn’t true for the most modern cards including gtx780ti gtx960 and gtx1060 and upwards

It is already a struggle to get drivers for other manufacturers working correctly when manufacturers are providing specs and open source drivers (even if those are not for Haiku :frowning: ).
nVidia drivers are closed source and they are giving the less infos they can. @rudolfc and others are doing their best but they can’t do miracles. People should complain on nVidia forum to make them change that or avoid buying their cards when possible.


nVidia does not provide any documentation for its GPUs. Complain to nVidia…


You should probably open a ticket for this feature request, if there isn’t one already.

A command line tool for sound.

The discussion already exists. Not start a new discussion in this thread.

Best wishes.


Do you mean a tool like hdajackretask ?

If it’s the name of the tool, yes.

Yes, but if I recall correctly, NVIDIA cards can only use the VESA driver in Haiku, so no hardware acceleration…

There is no hardware acceleration in Haiku anyway.