BeOS and AmigaOS


With that being said, I have a question and I was hoping someone would clarify something for me. I have been reading about AROS and AmigaOS and according to Wikipedia, BeOS was influenced by AmigaOS. If that is true, then what were/are the differences b/w the two OSes? I also noticed that several AmigaOS-influenced OSes all lack developer support. With the rise of GNU/Linux, the BSDs, ReactOS, and MacOS as mainstream alternatives to Windows, developer support would be a key issue to fix, right? If these projects are similar enough, would there be a way to combine efforts w/ the other AmigaOS-influenced projects to increase the overall developer pool?

probably not… although similar all the APIs are different… although i don’t see any reason why you couldn’t port those APIs to one or the other (i believe the beos apis were partially ported to linux)

it would be against the BeOs ideaology to support extra APIs especially if there is not all that much to gain…

Thats how i see it. Im not a long time Be user or even a developer here but im pretty sure someone that is will come a long and confirm that.

also i want to say that amigaos is more tightly tied to its hardware but im not sure about that

double post …sorry

I will say this. I ran the vmware images for both aros and haiku, and I have to say I was definitely more impressed with haiku. The speed and responsiveness was amazing–even in a virtual machine! The startup and shutdown times were faster than anything I’ve ever seen. I definitely liked the menu setup more than aros. Having said that, anyone who wants to answer my original question, please do(it will be appreciated). If not, I will not be too disappointed. The vmware image of haiku definitely confirmed for me that I’m backing what is shaping up to be an outstanding OS. Keep up the good work and thanks for sheer dedication to recreate such a well-designed OS.