BeGeistert / Coding sprint Germany

Good day!

I’ve talked a bit with Charlie from the HSA about BeGeistert, how this used to Organized, and How I might organize one.

To this end, a couple of questions:
What topics are deemed interesting for this? Is the possibility of a coding sprint enough?

My current idea is to hold this sprint in September of this year, to cover the costs attendance would likely be payed. (Perhaps Haiku Inc could also cover a bit however.)

Who would be interested in this to join?
(public poll so I can see who voted)

If there is no interest no need to vote, comments can be posted below.

  • Sprint only
  • BeGeistert and sprint
  • only BeGeistert
0 voters

Voted for BG only, as I am no good in development, a sprint for me would be no good (and I still have to attend to the dogs here) :slight_smile:

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I voted for both and I’d really like to see this happen.
If I can attend will depend,however,on how far away the location is and if I can move my free days to make it fit.
Holidays for the whole year has to be planned in December here already :confused:

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I voted for both, but if there are only either one (just a sprint or just a BeGeistert), it would be fine as well. Would be nice to meet a bit more Haiku people or catch up with some people I haven’t seen in years :smiley:


I would like to meet some old Haikus only.
Not a dev so BG only voted.

I only voted for enthusiastic because my family situation does not allow it otherwise.

I am a bit suprised at the ammount of votes for the non-coding sprint part. : )

Perhaps someone can shine a bit of light what has been done during that part the last few times?

@lelldorin @lorglas I don’t suppose you’d be interested in helping organize this seeing as you have atleast one year experience with this already. : )
I’d have no objections in having one in Hamburg, and for me to travel there and such.


The non-coding sprint part is where everyone meets, not just the developers, and it’s a much larger event. I only voted for that part, as I personally won’t be able to attend the coding sprint, unfortunately.

I spent a lot of time coding during the non coding event :slight_smile:

I voted for sprint, but not sure if I can stay for it.

It would be nice if the HAIKU user could meet together and get their problems solved by the dev or other HAIKU members.
Like UEFI, reFind Booting Haiku with other OS.
Help with doing small fixes for HAIKU!
Make a recipe HPKG
How to use GIT and or Gerrit…

Like that,
I live in the far south so to far for me, atm. Maybe I could do some holidays there to combine the HAIKU event with it!?

An explanation what exactly could be done at the non-coding event would be helpful too!

Never made it there in the old days, but now I have more time off and ease of travel I’d be interested in the non coding bit.


The main event is really the non-coding sprint. There can be talks about various projects and ideas (you can find videos of some of them in youtube), everyone will go to a restaurant and share a meal, and, of course, coding is also allowed, so it can be a nice place to debug some drivers on a specific machine or help someone set up their partitions and bootloader correctly.

There is also an opportunity to discuss the future of Haiku, decide on the plans for the next releases, etc. The kind of discussions you’d have here in the forums, but in real life.

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For people unfamiliar with BeGeistert meetings, there are reports from the last decades: begeistert | Haiku Project


And you can find some articles about begeistert here

Thanks for sharing,I’ve read through some of the old posts and it was an interesting read.
The last BeGeistert was long before I got to know Haiku,so I didn’t know a lot about it.
On the page about the last BeGeistert (Report of BeGeistert 031 in Hamburg | Haiku Project) there’s a error with the last picture: It shows the HTML img tag rather than the actual image.

Fixed, thanks! Took me a while to spot themissing space in the image tag…


With that in mind, how long should the BeGeistert itself be, compared to the coding sprint?
My initial idea was friday to sunday, but this may be too little if that is the main draw why people want to attend.

It traditionally was from Friday to Sunday, and the coding sprint in the week after that.

Not everyone can take a whole week off work and other obligations. Many other events and conferences are on just a weekend for that reason

Voted for BG only, I am not a dev.