BeGeistert 2018 - Registration deadline - 01-04. November 2018

When I read “Rennbahn”, I first misread as “Reeperbahn”. That’d be another kind of entertainment.
But it’s just a horse race track. I can already see @bonefish running rounds at dusk. :grin:

I am interested as well.

I am also interested!

Hello; Unfortunately I would not be able to commit until a bit closer to the time, but the idea sounds good.

Hello together,

a short update.
We was in the youth hostel, it’s partly upgraded.
By the reservation, we will be check if it possible to get beds in the new part.
And this are possible event dates:
03.Nov.2018 (3 Nights Minimum) / then it will be start on Thursday

Would be fine to get more feedback please

I’m interested too.

Interested too :slight_smile: (29 Sep 2018 won’t work for us)

which date do you prefer for a Begeistert 2018

  • 29-30.09.2018
  • 01-04.11.2018 (3 night minimum)

0 voters

Are there any thoughts about a web session - say 30 or even 60 minutes - which could be attended by those too far to join in person?

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No, I’ve never believed anything like that during a BeGeistert. I think it would be too boring for viewers, because you would only see people sitting around her pc.

If nothing else i can make a speech about porting stuff.

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That Sound good.

i have ported yabasic (not you), but i have some problems with x11. It may be that the version of x11 is too old, or whatever. It perhaps a projekt for the weekend

Please record the meets please, i cant go to europe.

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There is no X11 for Haiku.

Ok, the port of X11 can be discuss on another Topic.

Ok guys, only two days left to vote for one date of bg in hamburg this year.

If you want to visit tge begeistert this year, vote please.

So, is BeGeistert in Hamburg and the date fixed now?
The sooner I can look for a plane ticket, the cheaper it is… :slight_smile:

Yesterday we discussed the costs and will now have them confirmed by the hostel. Then we will announce this and say a few more things.

Is there any possibility to receive a scholarship (covering expenses such as plain travel and lodging) to attend?