BeGeistert 2018 - Registration deadline - 01-04. November 2018

Hello everybody,

we Hamburger guys are of the opinion that it is time for a new BeGeistert event.
Therefore, we would like to have a BeGeistert held in our hometown in Hamburg (Germany).
A corresponding OK from the organizers we have already (Thanks to Charlie Clark).

To be able to plan this event, however, we first have to clarify a few things:

  • Who is interested in taking part in a BeGeistert in Hamburg this September?
  • In how far since you, the visitors of the event, ready to make a binding commitment?
  • Who needs a single room?

We want to avoid that in the end we have more orders than visitors appear, which reduces the costs and the effort in reserving and clarifying.
The BeGeistert would take place in a youth hostel in Hamburg Horn. This is not directly in the city but by public transport you can easily reach this for a trip.

This post is intended to provide information about the above questions. So that this remains clear, we ask that here only relevant answers be made.

We thank you in advance for your interest and hope for many commitments.

Best regards

Lelldorin and lorglas

P.s. It would be nice, when we can closed this topic until 18.FEB.2018


Would be fine if the admin can set this post permanent on top.

Topic is now pinned until 28 feb.

I am of course interested in meeting devs & users at BeGeistert again.

Side question: do you plan to host a coding sprint as well, or should we keep that in Toulouse like in 2017?

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Hello Pulkomandy,

if enough developer come together, can we speak with youth hostel about the rooms.


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I’d gladly come to Hamburg, if there are a reasonable number of attendees and if the date gets fixed soon enough, so I won’t pay an arm and a leg for the flight… :slight_smile:

Sorry, I must’ve misunderstood, because, I set a timer on the topic to be published on 18. Feb… Now it dawns on me that you meant, that you’d like to decide if to host BeGeistert and the date until Feb 18th. Right?

You should post to the HSA mailinglist. Many of the regular BeGeistert visitors are members and will see it there. Plus the general/dev mailing lists.

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I’d come to Hamburg too. Though the demise of AirBerlin leaves us with less flight possibilities for more money.

How about the youth hostel? Has someone already been there for a night? There are a few hostels in Hamburg where I wouldn’t spend a night.

I does not found the direct link, but this holyday office have some info and pictures:

Here is the direct link.

Lelldorin and I will drive to the hostel and inspect.

Humdinger, that’s right.

We have then to coordinate with the youth hostel and fix the date. Therefore until 18.02.2018.

When I read “Rennbahn”, I first misread as “Reeperbahn”. That’d be another kind of entertainment.
But it’s just a horse race track. I can already see @bonefish running rounds at dusk. :grin:

I am interested as well.

I am also interested!

Hello; Unfortunately I would not be able to commit until a bit closer to the time, but the idea sounds good.

Hello together,

a short update.
We was in the youth hostel, it’s partly upgraded.
By the reservation, we will be check if it possible to get beds in the new part.
And this are possible event dates:
03.Nov.2018 (3 Nights Minimum) / then it will be start on Thursday

Would be fine to get more feedback please

I’m interested too.

Interested too :slight_smile: (29 Sep 2018 won’t work for us)

which date do you prefer for a Begeistert 2018

  • 29-30.09.2018
  • 01-04.11.2018 (3 night minimum)

0 voters

Are there any thoughts about a web session - say 30 or even 60 minutes - which could be attended by those too far to join in person?

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