'Be' is nice. End of story


The author (Bradford) did a good job with his research, most of his history is accurate. He missed out writing about the focus shift, internet appliances (precursor to iPads and smart phones) and how the industry products moved to where BeInc was driving towards a decade later. We loved BeOS since for us in the 90’s, it was a glimpse into the future of computing.

Even though I haven’t seen his name pop up in the community, it does show that there are lots of people observing this project (with an open mind) and trying releases when they’re available. These enthusiasts are our next users.

Re: the BeBox geek port, at this point in my career I’m developing an embedded solution on a proprietary controller with dozens of digital I/O ports. I would have loved to have such ports on a “standard” desktop class PC. If BeInc were still around, who knows, they might have dominated this embedded space.




That was a really good read!
I’ve researched a lot about the history of BeOS in the past,but I didn’t know about the motivations these guys behind it had,and that they all worked for Apple in the past.
Everytime I read about BeOS,I’m sad again that it didn’t succeed in the market.
Sure,it was proprietary and therefore not as cool as Haiku,but it could have been a better alternative to the slow and locked-down Windows anyway.
I’m still waiting for Haiku to become my daily driver,it’s fun to use it and works quite good for some tasks (like Office stuff) but not as good for others (like web browsing) so I’m still using OpenIndiana (Solaris fork) and FreeBSD most of the time.
Reading such articles make me want to try using Haiku more again :slight_smile: :+1: