Aurora web browser

Has anyone had good luck with the Aurora web browser? I installed it and it crashed twice. Then it seemed like it rebooted the computer. Thats a pretty serious issue. Just wondering if this app was still very much in the alpha stages of development.

its very alpha and done with a older version of the QT framework, however it does seem very crashy even with the newer QT framework builds.

There has been no update to arora since 1 year. I guess the project is dead or no longer in development.
I would suggest using another qtwebkit based browser (if web+ isn’t enough). There are several browser on the qt-haiku website which are based on newer qtwebkit versions.

I was actually looking for a functional text-only web browser. I tried Lynx but it failed with the usual “missing libraries” dependency-hell error message. It would be nice if there was a browser along the lines of the classic Mac OS browser “Wannabee”. It was blazing fast on old machines and rendered a page showing no adverts or images. I wonder if it could be ported to Haiku?

installoptionalpackage links

This is an improved lynx browser that can be set to display text only.

doing that in Terminal resulted in this message “no optional package Links for gcc4”. So this version of Haiku isnt all that expandable. has everything you need.

The official version of haiku is a gcc2 hybrid that will run gcc2 or gcc4 compiled applications. Your instaqll must be a gcc4 only version. These are only produced for the developers to test the build. Please use a gcc2 hybrid if you are planning on actually using the operating system.