Applications needed!

wouldn’t that kill the haiku style of doing things / separate the applications from the Be/haiku way of coding? (just a thought)

Libpst is the Linux equivalent, and looking at the source to mail app for haiku.

Link to libpst below:

thanks mate, send me a private message with whatever you find out :wink:

Hi reneManqueros,

Very cool that you are working on a native FTP client for Haiku. :slight_smile:

There was a Japanese dev by the name of momoziro who was working on a native FTP client called FtpPositive. Unfortunately, momoziro has been busy, and development has stalled; but he made the sources availables here:

Not sure about the license, but it may still be good as reference for your work.

BTW, my +1 for DnD support.

I look forward to a binary release!

Just a thought, if you don’t mind GPL, you could have all the hard FTP, SFTP etc work done by CURL, and focus on the interface. It seems very easy to use, but I’m not sure if it allows you enough flexibility. (like getting progress information and ftp ‘chatter’). Maybe others have worked with it and can say more about it? --> a c++ wrapper around it.

I’m might give it a try using BeThon - Python (using: ftplib of Python) to make an FTP GUI.

See good example at:


by the way, you can use Firefox (BeZillaBrowser) as an ftp client by typing in the url (uri):

e.g. ftp://@

Also FireFTP extentsion for Firefox seems to work if you use: 0.97.3