Any stable version of Audacity? How to install?

I’m trying out daily driving Haiku, and mostly I like it. I’m starting work on mixing an album for my band. I am familiar with Audacity, so I went to HaikuDepot and found that it was available. So I installed it. On running it I get a message saying this is an Alpha test version and recommending I use the latest stable release instead. I had a look around on the internet and can’t seem to find how to find or install a different version, at least not using HaikuDepot. I decided to try it and see if it works. It crashes. A lot. Like every 5 minutes. So far it is very good whenever I start it again, it restores my project from an automatic backup and nothing is lost, but at 5 minutes between crashes, I often can’t even listen to my mix of a song all the way through without it crashing. Is the Alpha version of Audacity the only one available for Haiku? If there’s any more stable version out there, shouldn’t that be the one that HaikuDepot installs? But if not, where can I find it, and how can I install it by hand?

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If you have trouble with the version from Haikuports, you should check if there’s already an issue
for that in their bug tracker. If not, you should create one. If the problem can’t be solved quickly at least other users will be aware of it.

We used to be able to download previous package versions using HaikuDepot Web but sadly it seems to be broken lately.

So I guess, that you will have to compile it yourself. The idea is to take sources on Audacity project page then visit Haikuports tree on GitHub to check the package recipe and eventually the existence of a patch. They won’t match with your version but it will give you an idea of things to do.

In Haikuports bug tracker or Audacity’s?

It is a very difficult problem to report as no information is provided. The window simply disappears as if I had closed it, like an old-school untrapped segmentation fault or something. In my online research, I found people who said that the alpha version of Audacity is out-of-date, that no one is really touching it anymore. This doesn’t seem the right way to do things, but maybe they’re just testing new features in the Beta instead? Anyhow, while I certainly could compile it myself, it kinda seems important that someone with access to the HaikuPorts repository does so, as the Alpha version really doesn’t seem to be the one for anyone to be using at the moment.

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Audacity, unmodified, collects data on users for “law enforcement” purposes. While the Haiku port has disabled networking, I would not recommend interacting with the upstream Audacity project in any way.

This is not an alpha version, we just forgot to define it as a release so its build system defaults to alpha. Anything in /var/log/syslog after the window disappears?


Even when setting this define on in the build process Audacity isn’t launching correct, nothing pops up in Terminal, syslog (running tail on it in another tab) only shows:
2024-04-19 14:50:35 KERN: xsi_semget: key 33814980 already exist
launches but sits there showing nothing … R1B4 64bit.

Launches just fine here on nightly.!/pkg/tenacity/haikuports/haikuports_x86_64/1/3/3/-/3/x86_64

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