Any Haiku forks/distributions currently?

Are there any forks or distribution attempts of Haiku at this time? (That people are aware of, of course)
I’ve seen TiltOS in the past, but was curious if there were more.

just the sneryu distro, which is available at haikuware and pretty old right now. Its just a preconfigured version of Haiku with extra apps.

Thank you.
March doesn’t seem too bad, again, thanks.

IMHO the better way is to customize Haiku (as every last available version) with the necessary apps and with the personal desired settings.

I humbly disagree. Until there is a definitive, master list of how to customize Haiku, this is not a practical option. Who wants to write the doc on all the ways to customize Haiku?

Asking newbies to personally install 20 - 30 applications, utilities, and games is an unnecessary burden. We don’t even have a published list of recommended apps for Alpha 3, but this will come very soon.

I realize there is disagreement about having distros for Haiku, but I think that having
a discussion is good.

Nice. :slight_smile:


Side note:
Even if it’s agreed that there won’t be distributions, people are free to do so anyway, so saying no wouldn’t do much but cause distress amongst the community(IMHO).

Yes, there’s no way of stopping distributions, not even closed source commercial variants of Haiku (although they must be named differently). However, atleast at Haiku’s current point in development, I think they should be discouraged. (although I’d like to make a point that atleast prior to the installoptionalpackages script, Senryu certainly filled a need)

Overall I think Haiku is much less prone to distributions due to it being such a integrated system which comes finished ‘out of the box’ unlike Linux which is just a kernel and relies on a huge amount of external software to be combined in various ways in order for it to become a full system.

So while on Linux there are alot of ways to diversify your ‘distro’, I don’t see that on Haiku where the system will most likely remain unchanged, thus any differences would likely come down to changes in bundled software (which in turn will likely be mostly obsolete due to the inclusion of a package manager where users can easily pick and choose for themselves).