Confirmed - ZX-LOAD screensaver works with updated screensaver_ai.
Also β¦
SnowFall - Haiku screensaver by Jim Saxton
Snowfall - Haiku screensaver by AI
Thanks for update, the ZX-LOAD is interesting. I had a Commodore Plus4 - it had some Turbo loader program for magnetic casettes. That had a similar design with blinking, coloured stripes in the border β¦
However I stopped discover games when I found the Boticelli drawing program.
Now I would laugh at myself as drawing with a joystick. β¦ itβ really laghuable as I was miserable probing to draw something β¦ by moving the cursor only into 8 directions β¦ :)) It is worse than drawing with a mouse β¦
Finally - it was funny yet β¦