**ANNOUNCEMENT** Genio - The Haiku IDE

pkgman install “cmd:clang>=17”

That can do it too, I just did a quick search with “pkgman search cmd:clang” :slight_smile:

In the next release we’ll remove the dependency anyway


We’ll create the release branch the next monday, june 24.
If no critical bugs are found, we’ll likely release the 3.0 version two weeks later, more or less.
Since we changed some strings, some translations will need to be adjusted or updated.


Can genio just import a whole folder of existing source code recursively?

I had a look through the menus, but didn’t find anything like that.

Not sure if its exactly what you mean by “import”, but…

Project->Open project..., select the top folder of your your project, hit the Open button.

That adds that the whole folder as a new project to the Projects left pane.

The first times I’ve tried Genio… I was looking for “New Project”, or “Add folder”, until I tried that “Open project…” that at first I’ve dismissed, because I thought it required an already existing “Genio project” file, or something like that.


Of course. Project → open project and select the folder containing your source code.
I think the included documentation (courtesy of Humdinger) should already cover this subject.

Yeah, I guess it isn’t so intuitive. But we have some documentation now, at least :wink:

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:rotating_light: Genio 3.0 Release :rotating_light:

We’re excited to announce the upcoming release 3.0 of Genio! This version brings a host of new features, improvements, and bug fixes. Let’s dive into the details…


  • Symbol Renaming Functionality
    • Genio now includes an automatic symbol renaming function that spans your entire project and supports multiple Language Servers, currently tested with OmniSharp and clangd. Say goodbye to manual symbol updates! For optimal results a compile db must be generated for C++ with clangd.
  • Outline
    • The class outline provides a hierarchical list of the symbols defined in the current editor and it features dynamic icons that adapt to system colors, making it easier to navigate your codebase.
  • Added support for Python LSP server.
  • Improved support for OmniSharp
    • OmniSharp provides multiple Code Actions for a certain range (i.e. quick fixes and refactorings). Genio now shows these both in the editor and in the Problems panel where available.


  • The editor can be configured to use any font available in the system, including both proportional and monospaced fonts (e.g. JetBrainsMono Nerd Mono/Propo)
  • Updated Scintilla to version 5.4.3.

Project management

  • Genio now fully supports .editorconfig
    • .editorconfig files can be detected in any folder of a project and applied to each folder separately. It overrides the global editor settings unless configred otherwise and the status bar has been enhanced to show the settings applied and whether they come from .editorconfig or from the global settings.
  • Added an animated icon to a project item when a build is in progress.
  • Added ability to import multiple files into a RDEF file as an array (resources).
  • The current file opened in an editor is now also automatically selected in the project Browser
  • When a new file is created it is put in rename mode in the project browser.
  • When closing a project, only ask to save project files (Máximo Castañeda).
  • Project settings handling has been rewritten and are now applied live.
  • Switch tabs using the new key combo (CTRL+LEFT/RIGHT).

UI Improvements

  • Settings have been reorganized into more fitting groups, with improved wording.
  • The project context menu has been enhanced.
  • A separator now separates the “Clean” and “Run” options.
  • An animated icon indicates build progress for project items.

Localization and Documentation

Help translators by using B_TRANSLATE_COMMENT.
Improved documentation for a better user experience. A big shout out to @humdinger for the amazing work!

Bug Fixes and Stability

  • Fixed source control menu not working on Haiku x86.
  • Fixed glitch while renaming the last item in the project browser.
  • Missing diagnostic tooltips, and many more.

Experimental Features

We introduced an early-stage support for application scripting and extensions.
We are fine tuning a mechanism through which we will release these extensions, maybe later after the summer break we will release the two scripts we have created. One will show the documentation help in Zeal, the second will use haiku-format to… well format the code in the selected editor.
In the meantime, a dedicated post may follow with more details if you want to know more.

We hope you enjoy the new features and improvements in Genio 3.0. Thank you for your continued support and feedback!
Stay tuned for the imminent official release on Haiku Depot.


Thanks guys, congratulations on the release! Looking forward to trying out the new Genio version when I come home from vacation in a few days.

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