And right after fltk

I managed to build dillo-plus now that fltk-1.3 has been ported on xlibe. openssl is required.
The build includes some small binaries but I really can’t say what their purpose is (maybe I skipped reading some docs…).
The main window opens up and the site can be visited, although the browser stops responding very soon.
Moreover, there are still many edges to iron out (hardcoded directories need to be fixed), but I must admit there is much much more out of my scope, and I definitely need some rest.
A current patch file is here and be aware there is a nasty NULL BYTE in the middle of a text file (test/Makefile) which makes it very hard to handle for most text editors - nano is among the good ones.
Have fun!


Did you manage to debug this at all? It’s possible that it’s a bug in Xlibe, the FLTK port, or something else like that. (Or it could just be a bug in the application itself, of course.)

Nice to see fltk being used to check ports to Haiku. :ok_hand:

I cannot use search engine in Dillo-plus becouse Dillo don’t have correct confinguraton file dillorc. Could you fix that or put search engines bar in startpage html code.

if it helps, I do have an x86_64 package for a build I made in March. The search function does work correctly using ddg.

I fixed this problem by copying dillorc from “boot/system/settings/etc/dillo” into “/boot/home/config/settings/dillo”.

Now I have problem with international fornts. I have to install some kind of fonts in Haiku.

Next question, if I want to use eastern european fonts in Dillo-plus, what fonts should I install?