Alpha 1 logo and graphical stuffs

My personal opinion is that it’s a waste of manufacturing and money to create a whole bunch of CDs for an alpha release of Haiku. Maybe for a beta it would be worth it, and certainly for R1 it would be reasonable (we could at least feel OK charging people for the cost of the media/shipping at that point).

We could maybe offer Lightscribe label artwork though so people could at least make their alpha cds pretty :slight_smile:

(hint: For Lightscribe labels, I suggest you use dark text on a light background, otherwise it will take AGES to burn)

well you’re in the front lines in all the conventions so maybe it would be a good idea to offer CD’s at the booth after introducing Haiku.

Top CD… definitely. I love the color and the spacing of everything. The lower CD is bland and grey/brown, and the spacing on certain text is messed up. I’ll pay $5 for a color CD copy of Haiku Alpha 1 when it’s available. Hopefully, not before too much longer.

The bottom CD is meant to be the lightscribe equivalent of the first one. It’s a fact of life, lightscribe doesn’t look pretty, but it does look better than a handwritten label :slight_smile:

As mentioned previously, a lot of darker areas on a lightscribe cd will take it a lot longer to burn… so anyone needing to make them in bulk would greatly appreciate a lighter background with dark text if possible.

I suspect the reason the text looks “off” is because the lightscribe disc has a larger “barcode” area in the middle (which is what allows the burner to keep track of its position as it burns the label)…

I think it’s definitely a good idea to design a specific lightscribe-friendly label.

My personal opinion is that it’s a waste of manufacturing and money to create a whole bunch of CDs for an alpha release of Haiku. Maybe for a beta it would be worth it, and certainly for R1 it would be reasonable (we could at least feel OK charging people for the cost of the media/shipping at that point).[/quote]

Allowing people to purchase a $20 disc to commemorate seven years of development for Haiku’s first alpha release would be an effective fund raising opportunity.

Granted, it is only an alpha, but it is a highly anticipated release by many inactive former members of the community, developer and user alike.

Hmm… interesting idea, we’ll ponder this a bit I think :slight_smile:

I suspect the reason the text looks “off” is because the lightscribe disc has a larger “barcode” area in the middle (which is what allows the burner to keep track of its position as it burns the label)…

I think it’s definitely a good idea to design a specific lightscribe-friendly label.[/quote]

I can move element for a lightsrcibe label, it was only a test from the orignal coulored label

Nice job, the color one looks very good. The Alpha Release text should stand out more because hard to see.

If you add a few more icons it would look even cooler. Haiku should work with Firefox, VLC, ThunderBird, etc. EDIT: Just realized that Haiku may not come with these apps so maybe not a good idea to have them on the CD artwork.

I might be wrong, but I do not believe Haiku will be handing out ( or selling ) CDs for early Alpha release. More likely to happen with Beta ( or maybe even late Alpha ). Still, nice artwork and hopefully it is used for future Haiku CDs.

ha… yeah right apparently you haven’t considered that it would be the Os PLUS ALL the sources!

if windows were to include all the sources it would take up several blurays MSDN is a couple dvds i believe

in any case the source probably isn’t stable enough to include yet… so… would haiku fit on a 50mb minicd? as far as i know haiku doesn’t have compressed filesystem support does it? if it did we could probably get it all on there… since LZMA has about 2x compression ratio coming out to about 45mb

Not speaking in the voice of the marketing team, but selling Haiku CD’s before R1 (or perhaps beta1) is definitly not an option.

Even if Haiku could today already be for some people enough stable, the minimum quality/stability waited by a customer of a “product” you bought is not an Alpha 1 target.

But feel free to make your own for personnal use only of course :wink:

Nice work Jérémie, I like it. :slight_smile:

First just a little nitpicking; tradmark -> trademark, Haiku,Inc -> Haiku, Inc., right -> rights

The dot in the ‘i’ letters looks a bit strange, making them look like 'l’s, perhaps it’s the font or just the jpeg compression.

Maybe one or two more icons would look good to the left too. And, perhaps try something orange (like the leaves) if you want to make the ALPHA 1 RELEASE text stand out a bit more without clashing against the blue background.

Also, it may be wise to shoot an email to the Philips copyright office to get an OK to use their compact disc logo, I really have no idea myself. has the contact details.

Love it !

thought I also spend some time for the procect. This is just a quick design for a release cdrom. I will put in some more time into the desing in the coming days - so dont be to harsh…


Is there a point to a CD label? I’m all for graphics but I haven’t seen anything in like a month that looked like progress. The lack of news is loosening my interest, that and a lack of a liveCD to show off and test myself. I guess my point is why have any graphics if there’s nothing to put it on?

There has definitely been progress in the last month. 109 changes to the code in the last week for example. The problem is reporting these changes on the website - something that I’ve tried to do before and definitely will try to do again, but it is something that takes a fair amount of time and effort.

There is unlikely to be a CD release in any official sense for the first alpha however - the purpose of the thread was to design an image that clearly shows Haiku is an alpha, that would hten be put onto things like the Desktop background and the AboutSystem window. I like both the designs posted so far, but unfortunately they are not really what the project are looking for at the moment.


Certainly there has been a big progress in the last month - even appreciable from a non programmers viewpoint. But designing good code or/and good graphics just needs time. The more time you put into it - the better the result (most of the time). So it doesn’t really matter if there is an Alpha Version on CD-ROM or not. I see it more like the start of designing a proper visual language.

Maybe there is some use for a CD-ROM label other then using it for a OS releace.

You’re right - there is no real use for the CD-ROM logo! I will fix that in the next version…

Here are my submissions – they are not cd covers ;).

About image:
Desktop image:

.PSDs available on request.


Have no idea why ppl focused their work on a CD offset, since i firstly talk about a background and AboutWindow bitmap.
Anyway, this last CD Offset looks pretty nice to me, and i definitly think it could be a nice Haiku background…