501(c)3 Non-profit Organization Status

Congratulations, Michael and everyone! This is terrific news!

(Smiling, wallet in hand…)


P.S. Does anyone here in the forums have any experience (preferably successful) with grant-proposal writing? Has anyone else been thinking about the possibility of going after some big money, i.e., grants for non-profit organizations of volunteers working selflessly in the public interest? A few tens of thousands of dollars would come in pretty handy, I imagine…

Forgive the peculiarity of my replying to my own post, but my first fishing expedition turned up this hit:

Don’t be put off by the penguinista name: their focus is F/OSS in general.

I second the congrats! Sweet! :slight_smile:

BTW, you may want to change this. Always something. :wink:


Very good news! I hope to be donating soon - and again in the months to come!

Cool, maybe Bill Gates wants to donate some millions? Ooh wait, he’s in the OS business as well…


Let me know, are we serious about getting funded?

CoolWaterOS wrote:

Let me know, are we serious about getting funded?

Yes, absolutely. That’s a great link, by the way; thank you.

Michael Phipps is interested in recruiting some help for pursuing grant opportunities. I would like to encourage you to write to him directly if you would like to assist in the effort. Be sure to mention that link.

The Haiku Project is an ideal candidate for grant funding, in my opinion. Building phenomenal OS technology for general desktop computing. Open and free…

Lol, yeah, I just wrote Kurtis like 3 in depth E-Mails on the matter. He said he’ll pass it on to the right peope, Michael Phipps I’m assuming. Cool right?

Do you know his (Mr. Phipps) E-mail addy?

“The Haiku Project is an ideal candidate for grant funding, in my opinion. Building phenomenal OS technology for general desktop computing. Open and free…”

Indeed, ask Kurtis.

CoolWaterOS wrote:
Lol, yeah, I just wrote Kurtis like 3 in depth E-Mails on the matter. He said he'll pass it on to the right peope, Michael Phipps I'm assuming. Cool right?

Do you know his (Mr. Phipps) E-mail addy?

“The Haiku Project is an ideal candidate for grant funding, in my opinion. Building phenomenal OS technology for general desktop computing. Open and free…”

Indeed, ask Kurtis.

I think if you search through the newsletter archives, you’ll probably find a couple references to michael’s email addr

CoolWaterOS wrote:
Lol, yeah, I just wrote Kurtis like 3 in depth E-Mails on the matter. He said he'll pass it on to the right peope, Michael Phipps I'm assuming. Cool right?
Quite cool. Here is a message regarding LinuxFund.org that Michael wrote recently to the openbeos general mailing list: "This looks very interesting to me. If there is anyone out there with grant experience OR non-profit experience who wants to work with me on these things, I would be very glad for the help. I am at a very busy point in my life with non-Haiku things and I am not able to spend all of the time on it that I would like."
CoolWaterOS wrote:
Do you know his (Mr. Phipps) E-mail addy?
You may reach Michael at: mphipps1 AT rochester DOT rr DOT com


Lol, well, he said he didn’t want my help, so…

I’m guessing he (Mr. Phipps) supposes I’m not really mature enough or that I dont know enough about the project to be of much use. Well, I dont know what to say. I hope Kurtis fwd’ed all my E-mails to him.

Yes Vincent, I did forward all your emails, don’t worry. =)

I believe the decision is based more on lack of experience than anything else (sucks, I know). I assure you, there are many more places whithin the project where you could get yourself in much less trouble than being the private figurehead of a nonprofit organization =P. You said you liked graphic design… why not help out with the creative design team? There are a lot of great ideas flowing in that forum right now. Or even better might be to continue your current quest on learning as much about BeOS and how to program in it as possible.