YAB compiler

I would honestly suggest:




It is more long winded, but you will never make a mistake like that again if you use the braces to force scope.


Due to the state machine construct, setting a state and breaking out of the switch statement is a branch equivalent. I should have just made it a macro.

I agree with@memsom. Back in school my computer teacher was very strict about structured programming and avoiding spaghetti code. That helped me for example to write more readable assembler code many years later.

I don’t see the benefit of a macro here but I don’t understand what you wrote about ‘state’. I guess your transpiler is a finite state automaton (FSA, like most compilers and interpreters are afaik).


BASIC is non-structured code for the most part. I’m bypassing the C++ constructs completely as a result. There are only two types of branch constructs in my runtime engine: Conditional and unconditional. In the end the code generated by the transpiler ends up looking like the following:

while (state>=4)
   switch (state)
      case 4:  /* <- this is a label */
         {state=6; break;}  /* <- this is a jump statement */
      case 5:
         /* this is the body of a while loop */
      case 6: /* <- this is the entry point of a while loop */
         if(v1<k2){state=5;break;} /* <- this is the conditional branch of a while loop */
         {state=0;break;} /* <- this jumps to the end of the program */
         {state=1;break;} /* error condition for undefined state */
/* shutdown code is here */
switch (state)
   case 0;
      return 0;  /* <- normal program ending */
   case 1:
      cerr << "Undefined state encountered" << endl;
      return 1;

I agree it’s ugly but the code that generates it is much more structured than the resultant code generated. When using C++ as a backend to a non-structured language, sometimes you just have to make new rules.

I didn’t know you can use curly brackets after a ‘case’ instruction.

What seems kind of wrong to me is the code at case 6. It starts with an instruction without curly brackets around it (if…) and after it there are curly brackets. That seems wrong to me.


The curly braces are just grouping symbols. The state assignments and corresponding break statements must be kept together. In the case of the if statement in state 6 it would normally be formatted as one statement without curly braces at all. Like this:

case 6:
   if (v1<k2)

Sorry, that’s just bad practice. You should not drop through a case like that because it can cause unexpected errors. It would be better to put the conditional in the default clause or to return the default value in an else clause in the code you already have. One of the things C-like languages have improved over C is the rule that you must always break out of a case clause. They got it right.

Also, putting the break inside the braces can cause odd behaviour because any code outside the braces might get executed if you change your scoped code. Best to put the break outside.

Also, this looks like C/C++, so it doesn’t matter what basic does, you need to follow good C/C++ otherwise your transpiled code will have bugs. It already does, because you fall through a break clause and will get undefeated behaviours if that code changes or you add an extra case below it.

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In non-structured code, fall-through cases are used extensively. If you want pretty, prim and proper C++ code, never look at the output of my transpiler. It will give you a heart attack every time. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

That is a cop out. Honestly, generated code is not required to be terrible code. I’ve written a number of code generators and generally the ones with less bugs are the ones that don’t cut corners for no good reason. Your original bug was there because you were trying to cut a corner… :person_shrugging: :man_facepalming:

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But this is not yab style? Is this the way yabasic do it?

You’re on! Make a BASIC transpiler yourself that implements 100% of the BASIC command set and when you’re done we’ll see how it works.

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Internally YAB does ugly, non-structured things that have no equivalent in structured C++ by design.

@SamuraiCrow I re-read your code (replying on an iPad, missed subtle nuance) and this would be way safer and much better code (braces or no braces in the if/else):

case 6:
   if (v1<k2)

I mean, you might argue no one will ever use the code directly, but if you ever want to debug this code, the code above really does make more sense and someone will thank you for that. I bet it makes no difference to the binary generated.

The BASIC code represented by my code is as follows:

WHILE v1<k2
   REM body

The conditional branch of the while loop is moved down to the end internally by GCC using static single assign (SSA) architecture to avoid branchy code and inefficient branch predicition. The END statement that follows the loop is a separate command completely. Try looking at the output of GCC for other “simple” structured code after it’s been completely optimized and you’ll see how mangled it is internally by the compiler.

That may be the case, but isn’t your project about exporting the written yab code as c or c++? Then the written yab code has to be converted, or should that be done via the original structure yabasic? Is that then at all with the widget commands (window, views…)?

If it should be the case that the code written so far in yab cannot be converted and you have to learn yab again, I would be out.

Why would you not just transpire to:

while (v1<k2)
   //  body

That, other than basics obsession with starting indexes at 1 not 0, is pretty much 1:1. Why is the transpire making the translation more complex?

Ugh. Autocorrect. You understand transpire is transpile, right?

It’s because there are other BASIC commands like GOSUB that have no direct equivalent in C or C++. If you have a label and need to jump to a subroutine that starts with that label but returns to every call-site regardless of where it was called from, it becomes necessary to implement your own call-stack. If you need an equivalent structured C++ function to do it, you’ll have to leave GOSUB and ON n GOSUB out of your transpiler because structured C++ can’t do it with a label. It has to be converted to ON n SUB to make it into structured YAB code only. The transpiler would be incomplete without the full instruction set.

Why in structured yab code? Did you think it was the other direction? yab in c or c++. Now I’m confused.

I wanted my code to generate C++ or C regardless of whether the BASIC commands had an easy equivalent or not. I’m only using GCC as a backend compiler because it generates code for different processors regardless of what machine you are on.

I always thought that one writes standard programs with different structures with yab and converts them to c or c++. Since the programs always look the same or similar, I thought that wouldn’t be the biggest problem. So the GUI side, since Haiku API is used. The commands in the background are of course something else. But being able to convert the GUI to c or c++ would be a help for people who want to create fast GUIs and then continue working in c or c++.