Xlibe: an Xlib/X11 compatibility layer for Haiku

Not just for Flatpak apps. I’m using it right now with Firefox, without Flatpak.

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Probably it can, but I don’t really have any plans to be the one to do it (aside from possibly tweaking some options, I don’t intend to write code towards this end.)

GTK3 is now in the package repositories, though it’s still a bit unstable, so probably you could make the attempt at least.

No. Tk still does not work with Xlibe. There is an open issue about this. I conferred with undroidwish (“chw”) about it, and he said he’d try to find time to investigate. As I replied on that ticket, I don’t really understand why Tk has the problems it does on Xlibe.

Why does TexStudio need libX11 at all? Doesn’t it use Qt? Anyway you can open a ticket at Xlibe about this I suppose.


Thanks for the pointer, I’ll keep an eye on that issue. Looks very odd indeed :frowning:

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Not possible, since file choosers are regular GTK widgets, and programs do crazy stuff with those, but you could implement GtkFileChooserNative.

@waddlesplash Very cool. Chances are very high I ll try very soon. :blush:

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Inkscape builds and starts:


However it has some problems as you can see:

  • No icons. This seems to be because GTK fails to load SVG icons. This should work when librsvg is installed, but for some reason it isn’t. I opened a ticket at HaikuPorts about that, maybe @3dEyes can look into it.
  • The background is a strange gray color. Not sure why.
  • The mouse sometimes behaves erratically, you have to restart the application a few times for it to work. (Though maybe this one was a fluke, I only saw it the first startup or two…?)

Additionally there are some Cairo and environment hacks I had to do to get it to start. I’ll try to fix the Cairo problems if I can, but the rest I’ll leave to the HaikuPorts team in general to tackle, and otherwise get back to Haiku itself, now that this quest is coming to a major milestone. :slight_smile:




That looks fantastic @3dEyes. Is it stable/usable?


I just fix svg icons. It needs testing


Can we somehow test for you?


It needs the headers from it, I will look at it when I get around to it again, I think I mentioned the failed build on IRC in the weekend.


24 posts were split to a new topic: GIMP on Haiku

Created an issue there, got a patch to solve this so it doesn’t need libX11, rebuilding to check for that.
If things reported at the issue are invalid I guess it could be closed.

EDIT need to see if those changes can be merged upstream if things will work out OK.

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Without PDF output TeX-Studio is not usefull!
My son is studiying Math and Physiks in Heidelberg and he cannot use TeXStudio on Haiku! Why waste energy and time if it is not working?

Tex studio is a tex editor, it cant generate PDF itself, it uses TexLive for that, which is a different software.


My wasted time is on my own, if it’s not working as expected on Haiku then don’t use it (as discussed on IRC a few times already), texlive is needed to have the full latex experience for this, and you probably need to build that your self?

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Of course, sorry, but is it usefull right now? Who is using it? And for what purpose?
I am just curious about the user point of view…

Thanks Begasus for your work, anyway…

I’m amazed at how quickly we’ve been getting new ports the last few days/weeks thanks to Xlibe. GIMP and Inkscape are “big deal” apps IMHO! Thanks for the hard work guys :slight_smile:


Inkscape 1.1.2, and 1.2 alpha released!
Time for new testing?