Word processors for Haiku?


These are the KDE requirements for Calligra:

kdelibs and kdelibs development files

    the minimal requirement is currently 4.3.0, any 4.3, 4.4 or 4.5 release packaged in your distribution is OK

kdebase/runtime 4.3 or newer 

this is the repo of TiltOS: http://files.tiltos.com/repos/core/

So… yes, the packages meet the minimum requirements and they are still available online.
Now, if I recall correcly, last time I tried the downloader it wasn’t able to download much stuff I tried, uncluding the libraries, so I honestly don’t think KOffice installs well. Might be wrong though.
But as you said the real problem is if they’re working on this period’s builds. I’m pretty much sure they won’t work. Those libs were compiled with the gcc4 compiler on Alpha 2 or a revision from mid-to-late 2010, since then Haiku’s gcc4 has gone through changes, breaking applications and libraries from that period of time. I think the KOffice version packaged with TiltOS can only be used on Alpha 2.

[quote=MichaelPeppers]These are the KDE requirements for Calligra:

kdelibs and kdelibs development files

    the minimal requirement is currently 4.3.0, any 4.3, 4.4 or 4.5 release packaged in your distribution is OK

kdebase/runtime 4.3 or newer 

We should not rely on TiltOS since it is out of our control. The correct way would be to make haikuport-packages. How much work is it to create .bep-files for them, and later on for Calligra?

Well, maybe it’s possible to update TiltOS. This should at least be investigated
for feasibility.

I like the way Chakra Linux handles pkgs with gtk+. They try to be gtk-free, so those apps are “bundles” like MacOSX ones… in future it could be useful to see something similar for Haiku and GNU/Linux software… just my two cents, I’m not trying to ask for a feature, just perhaps giving an advice on how to handle GNU/Linux software without having too much “rubbish”…

It’s been done, actually. The version of the Arora browser you can download on Haikuware contains just those QT libraries the program actually needs. That was during the Alpha2 days IIRC and I don’t know if it still runs. But as a proof-of-concept it shows that it can be done. No reason it could not be done with a word processor.

Of course, you would end up with multiple copies of libraries on your system, but who cares? Hard drives are cheap. But the developer would really have to know the QT system well and would have to test, test and test again.

No no NOOOOoooOOOoo!!! :slight_smile:

Thats a really bad idea! Having a separate copy of GTK or QT on a per app basis is the way most FOSS apps are distributed under Windows and it stinks- it really gets to me and in my eyes is exactly what SHOULDN’T be happening with Haiku. One of the best, most promising features about Haiku is that it is/has the potential to be a streamlined, non-bloaty OS and this ‘whole set of huge libs per app included with every package’ concept is the very definition of bloat and would ruin an otherwise very sleek and efficient OS.

As someone else mentioned above, the best place for Qt right now would be in Haiku ports but when it gets done it would be best to have Qt in the Haiku package manager too as I’d imagine Qt is no fun to compile (especially on slower/older machines) and Haiku ports also doesn’t resolve dependencies and I’d imagine Qt has quite a few although I’ve never had to compile it under Linux so I don’t really know.

OK danbold, I’ll bite. How exactly would it ruin the sleek and efficient OS? Can you be more specific?

The user downloads a zip file and unzips it to Applications. It runs. No need to wonder if MyWonderfulLibrary0.4.5.2.so is installed instead of MyWonderfulLibrary0.4.5.1.so. If app A needs one version and app B needs another, each has exactly what it requires.

This works perfectly well in Mac OSX. It works under ROX and, it seems, under Chakra Linux (hadn’t heard of that one before). If it doesn’t work well under Windows, well, lots of things don’t work well under Windows.

And if you don’t use QT programs then none of those libraries will be on your system. Nobody is holding a gun to your head and making you install it. When you are not running a QT app, they are not clogging up your RAM. All that it is permanently taking up is disk space. Sure, running lots of QT apps this way would fill up your memory. Which is why they invented swap space. A stick of RAM doesn’t cost the earth either.

I am not in favour of QT apps, actually. I want to see strong native apps. But nobody is writing any, which is why we are having this discussion. Still, what precisely is your objection, beyond a vague philosophical aversion to filling up hard drives? Can you tell me just how it would negatively affect the user? Remember the user? The guy who actually clicks the icon to start up a full-featured word processor? Which, right now he CANNOT do on Haiku, because there isn’t one? You can have your streamlined, non-bloaty OS but if you have nothing more sophisticated than StyledEdit to use on it, well there’s not much point to it, is there?

The QT port has been around for some two years. If the devs were crazy about QT and willing to add it to the repo, they would have done it by now. And we really should stop pretending that Haiku is all about continuing to use that old 386 mouldering away in the basement. Hands up if you are running Haiku on anything less than a CoreDuo with 2GB of RAM and 250GB of disk space. Nobody?

Haiku will not expand beyond the current population of geek hobbyists unless you can use it to perform the same everyday tasks that you can do on all the mainstream platforms. We need apps and we need them fast. If someone posts a port of Calligra with all its dependencies in a subfolder. It will be on my Haiku partition as fast as I can download it. Would I prefer a native word processor? Of course. So write me one, somebody! Sorry, my skills aren’t up to it.

I run Haiku on an atom based netbook with 1GB RAM at home and it runs fantastic but upgrading its RAM isn’t an option so I do really appreciate dynamically linked apps RAM-wise and I do lots of imaging so I really appreciate the greatly reduced disk footprint of Haiku and Linux over the mammoth Windows 7 and its hordes of kitchen sink bloatware bullshit apps. These are only possible under Haiku/Linux/BSD thanks to open source software and dynamic linking in a well maintained repo, all of which can potentially be achieved in a superior, more consistent manner under Haiku than the fragmented Linux distros.

Whatever it is that comes along to replace ‘installoptionalextras’ could potentially have a Haiku Qt port in it as well as Calligra, qtractor, OpenoctaveMIDI, qsampler, k3b or whatever your fave Qt apps may be. All these apps can be dynamically linked to the same Qt library because they’re open source so they just need willing Haiku maintainers most likely. It is only closed source apps that may need to do static linking of Qt.

I am 100% pro Qt under Haiku but I also advocate Qt should not be a standard part of the OS as I, like most everyone else here I’m sure, want to see the encouragement of more native Haiku apps but we’ll be waiting at least a decade to see native FOSS Haiku apps that rival the cream of the Linux Qt apps out there right now so we do gain a lot through having a well maintained Qt port and repo. Same goes for JACK audio to a lesser extent.

Seamonkey (using the Composer html-creator tool) can be used as to create html hyper-text formatted documents. It’s quite useful.

It can be downloaded here (note: the browser does not connect to the internet, but anyway you’d only be using the Composer part of Seamonkey):


I would love to see bundles for non standard software in Haiku. I think dependencies and libs control of GNU/Linux is frustrating (and I loved it a lot), don’t want to look for how many disasters a non-Haiku software I used and removed could cause in my system folders…

WARNING: Shameless self-promotion ahead!

My txt2tags compatible text editor for Haiku, Tyburn, is now up on Haikuware:

It joins the Markdown-compatible version, called Rondel:

In both programs, a subset of the formatting codes can be entered from the menu but the bundled utilities can handle any other formatting codes you enter manually.

Rondel will export to HTML. Tyburn can export to HTML, RTF, LaTeX and a heckuva lot of lesser-known formats. Both are built on the Trope engine:

All three are public domain, with yab source code supplied. Test them to destruction, make your own version, take the code and use it as the foundation to build your software empire on it, whatever …

No, it’s not a word processor. But it’s a start.

Please leave your comments, suggestions and verbal abuse on the Haikuware pages for each program.

BeTex and latex ported to Haiku :

I send the code to haikuports or haikuware as soon as i can.

[quote=Anarchos]BeTex and latex ported to Haiku :

I send the code to haikuports or haikuware as soon as i can.[/quote]

Good news! Thanks!

When you can, submit BeTex and Latex on Haikuware, so we all could download them :slight_smile:

In anyway, with the upcoming OpenJDK porting, we could also run ThinkFree in Haiku: