How should email clients take advantage of Haiku’s unique features?
What features do modern email clients need?
What features do you think should be in Haiku’s official email client ‘Mail’ and what features should be just left to other Haiku email apps like ‘Beam’ ?
The most important part IMO is entering a new account. The easier that is, the more likely it is the client will be used. On Mac OSX I entered my gmail login and password. Boom. Done. No fidgeting around with pop3 or IMAP details, guessing what port it wants to use. just - done.
The easier that is, the more likely it is the client will be used. On Mac OSX I entered my gmail login and password. Boom. Done.
Haiku built-in mail system knows how to do this, for the most common providers. We have a database of providers to match domain name to server settings. gmail should work out of the box with this, of course.
I can confirm that Haiku can create a new new email account similar to what OSX can.
Unfortunately this does not work anymore with my yahoo account. There is a trac ticket about that.
Maybe someone can find the time to update the yahoo data in the background.
I think the built in mail support is well thought out (emails as files seems natural), however there are still some bugs with imap support and it isn’t really usable (at least I found that to be the case). IIRC it lists my emails but it never seems to fetch the content when I try to open one.
How about combine “all in one”:
email, instant messaging, chat capabilities in one application?
Some core app and various addons for various communication options.
I haven’t tried using Yahoo mail from the built in mail app, and I’m currently on a BSD machine. However, in order to send emails thru my Yahoo account from Bezilla Mail. I had to change the following security settings online for my Yahoo account while logged in.
Privacy > Privacy Controls > My Account - Enable “Allow apps that use less secure sign in”
I would like the mail client to allow me to write an email in say StyledEdit or any text editor with the to and from stuff at the top and have the email client send it when it is copied to the outbox folder. This will allow one to easily set up a script to email a response to say a web form or a received email.
With a bit of scripting, you may be able to do that from Terminal with the “mail” command. Maybe not exactly what you want, I just wanted to mention it.
I love Beam, it is the most interesting and usable software for email on Haiku.
It would be fine to remove mails first into a temporary folder in Beam called trash and then deleting from there the deleted mails, because you search into it using the attributes.