I think these are not just my problems: there are some functions/components missing from WebPositive: cookies support and local settings function (when set the default languages for sites). I think these are important.
And I have another problem: my new site will be use gradient background, but there are some problems with it. And also there are problems with custom font using by websites. I have added 4 types of font: eot, ttf, svg, woff.
Please check my test site and you will see the problem: http://teszt.d-rendszer.hu/ (There are no problem on the other browsers.)
And please tell me if I make something wrong (if I need to use another type of font, or a WebPositive-specific gradient for the background).
WebPositive is in no way considered finished. Frankly it is more alpha software than Haiku. A lot of the features of WebKit which are supported in Chrome and other WebKit browsers are not yet supported in our Haiku version of WebKit. Mostly it is just a matter of adding in the necessary support in our platform files, and making sure the right things are turned on in WebKit. But sometimes even the simpler things can take a while to get right.
At the moment I’m probably the only person who has a slight amount of time to work on it, but I’m more busy with core Haiku development and getting ready for a Haiku alpha 4 release. Once that is done I intend to put some work into WebPositive, and fix the many issues, both with our WebKit and modern HTML support, as well as with the browser itself.
I can’t say when everything from your site will be supported, but it probably won’t be really soon unfortunately. But just know that we are aware of the issues and will address then as soon as we can.
He finished his contract which was mainly to update our WebKit to use the latest code from the WebKit project. He did that and also moved WebPositive into the Haiku repo. When updating our WebKit he spent most of his time fixing regressions and just getting it building. He did not really have time to improve our port or add features to WebPositive.
He chose not to pursue another contract.
So now it is back to me, and whoever else wants to work on it, which generally is not many people.
It’s really pitty, that haiku is willing to offer a fulltime job. I was hoping that he would continue working on webkit/webpositive. It’s somehow disappointing, that he even didnt announce that he doesnt continue working it on. That was not that clear at the beginning. So I guess there are other people too, who are awaiting more progress from aldeck, but not knowing, that he is not working anymore on webkit.
[quote=dancso.robert]I found another one “problem”: it cannot recognize the “mailto:…” protocol, so it want to open it as url: http://mailto:…
I hope these functions will be implemented in the next release of Haiku. I would help in the development, but I have no enught knowledge
And one thing: is there any other way to report missings/problems?[/quote]
Please check the Haiku Bug Tracker to see if these bugs already exist, and if they don’t, log them. You will need to create a new account on Trac to do this though. Unfortunately the accounts between the web-site and Trac are not shared. Also be sure to check your email to confirm your Trac account before you try to use it.
To make it easy to see existing bugs for WebPositive, go to View Tickets and set a filter for Component to Applications/WebPositive.
Go to google.com and try to enter some search text. You can’t see what you’re typing.
This just started recently – evidently google has changed their main page to using something that Web+ does not like at all.
So I’m now using BeZilla or Qupzilla for google searches in Haiku.[/quote]
i had the same proble, but updating to the latest nightly yesterday solved that problem. Webpositive became much better, and I’m happy to see that now it’s integrated into trunk.
What I wonder somehow is… why WebWindow.h , WebView.h… and so on are added into /boo/common/include/ and not to api headers. For example in the interface folder.
I have removed the gradient background, so now there is no problem with the background. That was not so big thing, so the page displays well in all browser (except the very old browsers).
And I have added the 2 custom fonts to the system, and now the 2 strings are display well too. I know this is not a solution, because this works only if those fonts are installed…
Hello cipri, although it was clear from the begining that i would only work 160 hours in roughly a month, i’m sorry i didn’t find the time to publish a final blog post (a quality post often takes me a couple hours to write properly), unexpected expenses put me in a critical financial situation and i desperately needed to find another job to pay the bills and feed my family. This project was really challenging for me, and i’ve put a lot of energy into it, i hope the quality isn’t too bad, i’m still around and plan to continue working on webkit in the future for free or under contract. Oh, and the blog post is coming, sorry again…
Hey aldeck, There is no reason to be sorry, your family has to come before anything else. Anyone who can not understand that needs to get a life. It is great that you will give us a final blog update so people know where you left off. Maybe once your life gets back on the rails you will have time to work on web+ more, here’s hoping.
Interesting… ( I posted on the Haiku mailing list about the google problem, and I don’t thing anybody really believed me! Nice to have it confirmed by someone else.
However, I just tried again a moment ago – google.co.uk worked fine, but then so now did google.com, so I guess they had some complaints! (I haven’t updated my WebPositive, so it’s at their end.)