Vector Icons and the Icon Design Contest

my gut instinct says bottom one. I don’t relate to the open folder being turned away from me on the middle one, and I think the shadow if off-putting with the top one. The shadow on the bottom one is slightly…distracting, but out of the three, it’s what I’d plump for.

That’s my gut instinct, with precious little time allowed for a proper semiotic analysis of them.

i like the first one personally, mainly for how it works within the rest of the icon set. beos icons for system discs, home directories, system directories, etc have the little added icon dropped over the lower left hand side of the icon. i really like the way that the icon seems to be coming out of the open folder in the rest of your icon set (see system-folder-home, system-folder-haiku, and the others), while still keeping it in the lower-left corner i’m used to. if you could do a mockup of how these would look with the third folder option, i’d be curious to see it.
i do agree that the second choice (with the folder opening away) doesn’t seem as good maybe less welcoming and user-friendly. great job, though. i really like the way this whole set looks.

I don’t care for the grey border around the paper in the folder.

zuMikkebe wrote:
This version without the shadow!

zuMikkebe, I’ve got to love the whole Kabuto set. I really do think using stippis vector format will do it justice - they are clean designs with detail that could be removed at smaller sizes without detracting from the look. I thought the Garum set was inspired, but I would prefer it equally without the mirror effect (I know you like it :wink: ).

What do you think about a different Preference overlay?

The tick has never meant much to me, maybe a screwdriver, spanner or a switch (similar to Stippis)

I made the tick because I thought every beos user knew “it equals to preferences”, so I cloned it just as a legacy with the original Browne’s icons.

You proposed valid suggestions, but a tool needs too many details and the switch is too much related to Mac OSX…have I to design a totally brand new concept ? It’s hard, but probably I should ! :wink:

I prefer the ‘tick’ mark. It also indicates ticking off preferences. I like it.

I’ve created a draft of “my” proposal for Haiku Icon Contest, a preview and some informations are here…

auxman: Those are pretty sweet. I particularly like the image file icon.

Photo-realistic Be icons! I love it! Only one I don’t like is the image–the dog image isn’t a very good thing to have as some people/cultures have different ideas about dogs. It also doesn’t differentiate between the types of images available.

Other than that, 2 thumbs up!

auxman wrote:
I've created a draft of "my" proposal for Haiku Icon Contest, a preview and some informations are here...

Oh wow. Amazing work, you’ve got my vote.

Dirty Harry wrote:
auxman wrote:
I've created a draft of "my" proposal for Haiku Icon Contest, a preview and some informations are here...

Oh wow. Amazing work, you’ve got my vote.

Mine too.
Just awesome :D.

Really gorgeous Auxman ! :o
I like the blend of realistic and cartoon look, the use of sweet colors, the BeOS legacy… great indeed 8)

WOW! beautiful… best one so far.

clieven wrote:
...if you could do a mockup of how these would look with the third folder option, i'd be curious to see it.

Ok, I made it, the link it’s the same

Some retouches here and there, some new icon, some time wasted…hehe

auxman wrote:
I've created a draft of "my" proposal for Haiku Icon Contest, a preview and some informations are here...

J00 |200|_3!!!

The first time I saw BeFree, aka Mockup, icons and I thought you have a big talent, and this is the evidence.

The only doubt: can stippi’s vectorial format render them properly? ( if I understood correctly an fx like the shine on screen is not currently supported )

Another icon set has been submited today ,it’s been announced on the haiku mailing list and seems the author drew it using wonderbrush, so it’s could be easily imported with icon-o-matic.


skoe wrote:
Dirty Harry wrote:
auxman wrote:
I've created a draft of "my" proposal for Haiku Icon Contest, a preview and some informations are here...

Oh wow. Amazing work, you’ve got my vote.

Mine too.
Just awesome :D.

They might look great now, but how do they translate to 32x32 and 16x16? This is why the contest entries must be submitted in the three different resolutions (64x64, 32x32, 16x16). A lot of design details and gradients don’t translate well to the lower resolutions.

zuMikkebe wrote:
I made the tick because I thought every beos user knew "it equals to preferences", so I cloned it just as a legacy with the original Browne's icons.

You proposed valid suggestions, but a tool needs too many details and the switch is too much related to Mac OSX…have I to design a totally brand new concept ? It’s hard, but probably I should ! :wink:

ok, i take some days to think about it, and the first thing I thought was : <<I have to open a preference app to change the behaviour of some part of the system, in few words to take control of it>> , so I don’t think the "spanner" is right choice because it can’t mean "control" anyway.

Then I remembered about some 70’s japanese anime series, where a guy could pilot an huge anthropomorphic mecha using only "two" levers…this IS control!!

And the idea came : what about a panel with two levers as an overlay icon?

Some mockups:

red checkmark icon
spanner icon
levers icon

Great idea, it’s even more functional than the tick!

Another very good thing about it, is the playfullness it has…

Rock on !

zuMikkebe wrote:
red checkmark icon spanner icon levers icon
Very neat as always! If it aint obvious, I’d rather like your Kabuto set to be picked for Haiku… 8)

From discussion on the mailinglist, it appears others find the Preference logo the hardest to point on one thing that means configuration. See Stippis post about symbols and scalablity.

I can only say the spanner is great, but might need some rotation/scaling so that at 16x16 it’d be more obvious.
General comment: I haven’t tried Icon-o-matic yet, but how does stippis format support altering content at zoom levels, could it include a face-on spanner for 16x16 instead, or can it only hide stuff?

johndrinkwater wrote:
General comment: I haven't tried Icon-o-matic yet, but how does stippis format support altering content at zoom levels, could it include a face-on spanner for 16x16 instead, or can it only hide stuff?

I gave it just a quick look, not bad, but I wish Stippi can add an svg importing feature soon.

Very nice — You don’t have a slightly lighter variation do you?