Translator for Comic Book Archive (.cb*)?

Hi there!

Is there anyone interested to work on a Translator for Comic Book Archive files, see Wikipedia?

A Translator sounds nice, but maybe some sort of extraction rule for Expander would do as well. ATM these files open in Expander, but the file listing is empty and no images can be extracted.



What coincidence! I have just ported qcomicbook to haiku!

please see:

OK! Ah… Qt4… hmmm.
The app starts, but besides being an eyesore, I couldn’t open any comics I got (don’t have much…) How extensively have you tested qcomicbook?

A nice Translator or similar native solution would still be very welcome.
I don’t want to jump to conclusions or in any way diss your work, but it seems the whole Qt business lends itself to many quick but unreliable ports. It may of course also be the initial Qt-excitement at the moment… :slight_smile:


I guess QComicBook works for now (or maybe not based on the comments), but long term we definitely want native apps instead. Looking at the set of features I bet someone could clone this as a native Haiku app in a few weeks, just copying code from ShowImage and Expander.

Or a quicker way would be to make a translator that exposes the various images inside the .cb* files as pages (like for the TIFF translator.) Then you could view them in ShowImage (or other apps) using the page navigation features (which are mostly unused except for TIFFs.) That might work pretty well in fact. Then we just need to add some of the other niceties to ShowImage, like the thumbnails (which has certainly been in the back of my mind for a while.) But honestly that is getting into R2 territory.

Hum… sorry about that but if you run qcomicbook from terminal you will see that several functions on Qt are not implemented yet. I believe that with newer versions of Qt libs much more will be robust those app without recompilation

And that is the one comic reader opensource that builds on haiku…

But… it’s better than view in showimage

Ah, OK, sorry…

For me personally, I doubt that. Maybe because I’m not an avid comicaze. I’d just look through the colourful pictures one after the other just like any other pics…
