Surprising success!

I tried the anyboot alpha3 image, installed it direct to USB key.

Sound, Video, Networking all perfect!!!

This is really improving fast!

Only issue was 16:9 full-HD screen could only go to 1280x1024.

Is this binary compatible with x86 BeOS/Zeta software???


It is compatible with some BeOS apps, not too many Zeta apps. We will be publishing a recommended list of BeOS apps in a bit.


That sounds to me as Haiku is using the VESA driver. You can see what driver you are using by running the listimage | grep accel command in the Terminal:

Welcome to the Haiku shell.

~> listimage | grep accel
  500                 /boot/system/add-ons/accelerants/vesa.accelerant 0x9f8000 0x9fc000    0          0
TEAM  408 (/bin/grep accel):

Actually, no need to go into the Terminal. On the screen preferences, just hover the mouse over the little computer screen and the driver being used will be shown in a tooltip.


Thanks for the prompt replies!

I doubt my NV 9800GT will have any type of support at all, but is there a way to get full HD widescreen?

If I ever use this on an old AGP machine, I will put in a GeForce 2MX 440 in there, and may get some kind of hardware acceleration!

Specs for this system: Core i3 (2.93GHz) - incorrectly identified as Core i5 (2.7xGHz)

All cores/threads recognized, and seem to be working together!

NetPositive crashed once, and required a kill command to exit.

Sound is superb (ALC 887)

All hard drives & BD-RW work (mounted read-only)

The list of unsupported ACPI devices is LONG, and I think most are card-reader/USB Hub and devices.

Networking to XBOX (orig) via SMB works (via terminal FTP). HTTP connection to control XBMC not successful (controls draw, but no go) :frowning:

That is about all I tested. I have some x86 software for BeOS 4/5 stored away, and eagerly await that list of supported software!


To get native resolution, you can (probably) get that with VESA as well. When you boot, press and hold the Shift key (or as an alternative keep pressing the spacebar) until you see the safe mode boot menu. In the video sub menu you can see if you have your screen’s native resolution and select it, not forgetting to go into the safe mode sub menu options and select “use safe mode video” (something like that, can’t recall the exact term).

Are you using netpositive or webpositive? The 2nd is included with A3.

As for the incorrectly identified CPU, create a bug report.


Yes, I meant WebPositive!

I know I cannot get 1920x1080 in VESA 3.0, it doesn’t work with other OS supporting Vesa 3.0.

Highest I think I can get is 1440x900, which is far from perfect…

The annoying part is those listed in Display prefs are all 4:3 ratio…

This card still runs DX5/DX7 games, so it might well support an old NVidia driver?

I know my old 7600GT got accelerated OpenGL with an alpha driver for BeOS MAX.

The misinformation with CPU ident and speed was only (I hope) cosmetic. I shall report it in the appropriate forum.

Many thanks again.